What is the signs of a miscarage

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Symptoms of a miscarriage include: Vaginal bleeding that may be light or heavy, constant or irregular. Although bleeding MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-signs-of-a-miscarage ]
More Answers to “What is the signs of a miscarage
What are the signs of a miscarage….?
Complete loss of all pregnancy symptoms (although symptoms will come and go throughout pregnancy and that can be normal) Bleeding – usually quite heavy and red (brown blood does not necessarily indicates a possible complication as it is lik…
What are some signs of someone who might have a miscarage??
I had one on Christmas eve, I felt like I had just gotten my period, went to the bathroom and saw 2 blood clots. I had absolutely no cramps but knew what had happened because I’ve been pregnant before. My sister had 2 and said the same thin…
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My period should start in two sundays… could this be a sign of pregnancy? Yes, it could be but it would be early if you have not missed a period yet. or miscarage? See above What else should I look for? It is more likely that you h…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some signs of someone who might have a miscarage?
A: You will have severe cramping, and you will be bleeding and have clots come out. The blood will be bright red. Before you miscarry, your doctor can test your HCG levels to see if they are dropping or not (if they drop, that is a sign that you will miscarry).I hope everything goes well for you, good luck.
miscarage signs?
A: bleeding, cramping and passing of tissue. You will stop having breast tenderness also. If you want to know for sure go have a blood test to see if your hormone levels are droping.
Q: I’ve been getting cramps latley, and want to make sure they are not signs I might have a miscarage. Does anyone know what it feels like to have one. Thanks.
A: I had horrible cramping the a few days before i started to miscarry. The cramps during the miscarriage were extremely painful and mostly in my lower back and abdomin. I didn’t have any bleeding until about a week after the cramping started. Then i bled for 2.5wks.I also noticed the day before i went to the doc and found out i was miscarrying, that all my pregnancy symptoms went away. That is a sign of your body stopping the production of progesterone, which is the hormone that keeps early pregnancies alive.
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