When you are pregnant does your stomach feel bloated

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “When you are pregnant does your stomach feel bloated”,you can compare them.

Yes, when you’re pregnant having to unbutton your pants to relieve bloating weeks before you begin to show is pretty common! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-you-are-pregnant-does-your-stomach-feel-bloated ]
More Answers to “When you are pregnant does your stomach feel bloated
Does your stomach just feel bloated when pregnant??
A bloated stomach is one of the pregnancy symptoms yes.
When you are pregnant do you feel very bloated, like all your sto…?
I did/do feel bloated pregnant. To be honest that is one of the least annoying symptoms. Im pregnant with my third but even after my 2nd my abs came back. Make sure you eat a healthy quality and quantity and don’t start pigging out just bec…
Are you pregnant if you feel nauseaous and have lower abdominal p…?
not necessarily- you may be prenant if you have missed a period. Nauseau and bloating can be cuased by a variety of illnesses from a stomach virus to ovarian cancer. see a doc!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does your stomach feel like when your pregnant?
Q: Just curious as to what it actually feels like..inside and out. Do you feel like you are pushing out all the time because your stomach is growing..sort of like when you are bloated? How hard does it actually get, and when does it start to get hard?
A: Well I didn’t notice any difference until about 5 months, that’s when I started to grow. When you feel your tummy it feels hard, no squishiness at all. Inside the only thing I felt at that time was the little movements from the baby. Now I’m 36 weeks and my belly is huge & very hard. Inside I feel like I’m all squished, which I am. Sometimes I’ll feel her little feet kick my ribs. Alot of times I feel like I can’t breath very good because the uterus is pushing up into my lungs, and lots of heartburn. But it is SO neat feeling her move around inside, especially neat when I can see her movements through my belly, it’s crazy looking.
When you are pregnant do you feel very bloated, like all your stomach muscles are all stretched out?
Q: or something?I am so undecided about getting pregnant just because I don’t want to feel uncomfortable, I know that sounds kind of selfish, but I am afraid of how it is going to feel. I am so used to having tight stomach muscles. Do they go back after you have the baby?
A: I did/do feel bloated pregnant. To be honest that is one of the least annoying symptoms. Im pregnant with my third but even after my 2nd my abs came back. Make sure you eat a healthy quality and quantity and don’t start pigging out just because you are pregnant. Continue walking or swimming and stay active. Of course you deserve a treat now and then but I know pleny of people who ate chocalate cake and ice cream as a snack practically everyday and gained 70+ lbs and now regret it. You sound like someone who is health concious so you’ll be fine.
how does your stomach feel at 5 weeks pregnant?
Q: At 5 weeks, does it feel like needles are poking it from the inside? and can you get little cramps in your stomach like right below your boobs? Also, feeling bloated and have gassy/bloated cramps? i need answers ASAP! 🙂 thank you!
A: i dont have the needles feeling… Im 5 weeks. =) i feel tingling and cramps. And I also feel bloated but im not physically bloated. I only get cramps where my period cramps usually are.
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