Where are the pressure points that induce labor

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Hoku, Spleen 6, and Bladder 32 are all points that will help induce labor. Remember to check with your doctor or midwife. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-are-the-pressure-points-that-induce-labor ]
More Answers to “Where are the pressure points that induce labor
Where are the pressure points that induce labor
Hoku, Spleen 6, and Bladder 32 are all points that will help induce labor. Remember to check with your doctor or midwife.
When to Use Pressure Points to Induce Labor
There are three main situations when you can make use of pressure points to induce labor. The very first and the most general situation is when the due date for delivery has passed and the baby is still in the womb rather than in the arms. …
Did pressure points ever help induce your labor??
I haven`t, but I the RMT I went to for pre-natal massage told me that they get a lot of girls in who want to hurry up labour a little. That`s why it is important to tell your massage therapist that you are pregnant, because if she doesn`t k…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

did pressure points ever help induce your labor?
Q: im 38 weeks pregnant, 1 cm dialated 80% effaced and am trying everything to have this baby. i know walking a lot and sex is a good way to start labor but i was just wondering if anyone had used pressure points to induce labor and where were theythanks a bunch! =]
A: I haven`t, but I the RMT I went to for pre-natal massage told me that they get a lot of girls in who want to hurry up labour a little. That`s why it is important to tell your massage therapist that you are pregnant, because if she doesn`t know, she could trigger something. If you are 38 weeks, I suggest you enjoy the next 2-3 because you won`t ever get this time again…I know it feels like you`ll be pregnant forever at this stage. But you won`t be :o)
Has anyone tried nipple stimulation or pressure points to induce labor?
Q: If you had success, how long after until you felt contractions? Just curious, thanks
A: YES, I did! I got contractions within an hour and they were STRONG .. but they weren’t consistant or “strong” enough to cause dilation. I was in a lot of pain for nothing.
Pressure points to induce labor?
Q: I’ve heard of these magical pressure points to help induce or speed up labor. . .above the ankle, between thumb and forefinger, and the roof of your mouth. How long am I supposed to apply pressure? Do I do it more than once? I’m in labor and it’s not going very quickly.
A: Yes they can be very effective in augmenting (speeding up) or inducing labor. They can be stimulated either by acupressure (do it yourself) or acupuncture (seek a professional).The pressure can be applied at the beginning of each contraction or continual gentle pressure can be applied that is intensified during contractions. Whatever seems to have the greater effect on your contractions.Here is an excellent link that talks about all the points and how to stimulate them during labor: http://www.childbirthsolutions.com/articles/birth/acupressure/index.php
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