Why do women get back pains when they are on period

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do women get back pains when they are on period”,you can compare them.

Dysmenorrhea (back pain) be caused by the same hormonal changes that cause abdominal cramping during the period. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-women-get-back-pains-when-they-are-on-period ]
More Answers to “Why do women get back pains when they are on period
What causes women to get Back Pain instead of cramps, during thei…?
Hey! I am the same way! I’m 20 and never have cramps just horrible back pain and my legs/knees hurt. I have never figured out why but I would rather have cramps to. Depending on how bad it is you could see your doctor and try to get on a pa…

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A: The womb (uterus) have special tissue which contract during periods. While this is perfect for a uterus, these cells are sometimes found in surrounding areas also. Even these tissues contract leading to pain.
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Q: Some women say they have period like pains before they period but period doesnt show up but i wonder why this happens this happened when i was pregnant with my first daughter but i have the lost of appetite with both them thats how i knew i was pregnant again but both of them have the same father. So i guess its because they came from the father but i have been with my partner the last 4 1/2 so i guess i dont know my symptoms would probably be different. So if i have to be pregnant i dont even think i would know but i always get that reminder if i havent conceive in that very cycle, that i see my CM and my temps go up so i dont even bother in buying a pregnancy test i just tell by that.
A: I never had any period like pain when I was pregnant with both of my sons 8yrs & 6yrs. I got pregnant again 4 month ago and had a little spotting and mild period like cramps, I miscarried 1 month into it. I just found out that I am pregnant again (yeah) and I had the same spotting and mild cramps. I need to wait another week before the ultrasound to see if there is a heartbeat. All of these pregnancys have been with the same guy so I really don’t think that being with another guy would change your pregnancy symtoms. Every pregnancy is different so good luck and best to you.
Why do some women have period pains and some don’t?
Q: Well, why is that? Those lucky girls who don’t have period pains don’t know what we go through.Thanks, ladies 🙂 My mom had really bad cramps (to the point where she couldn’t eat) when she was little, but all was well after giving birth to me. Guess I’m going to go through the same thing?
A: I too think that women get period pains due to genetics because I have severe period pains and so did my Mum. To me my period cramps feel like muscle contractions with sharp spasms in my lower abdomen. To sum it up in a few words, it feels like all my insides wants to rip out of my body.For some women period cramps may radiate to the back or down the thighs, and range from mildly achy to wrenchingly painful. In the severely afflicted, cramping may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, headache, nervousness, fatigue, diarrhea, fainting, bloating, breast tenderness, mood swings, backache, and/or dizziness.My gynaecologist told me that women who suffer from period cramps seem to produce greater amounts of prostaglandins, which are hormones secreted by the uterine lining, than other women do. I have also researched this and found out that these hormones affect the smooth muscle of the uterus, causing an increase in uterine contractions. The contractions interfere with blood flow, reducing the amount of oxygen reaching the uterus and resulting in pain. A large increase in prostaglandins can also cause strong gastrointestinal contractions, which may be responsible for the diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting associated with severe menstrual cramps.If you experience severe period cramps and over the counter medication does not help, I would recommend that you go and see your doctor/gynaecologist for further evaluation. Good luck 🙂
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