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Does zinc vitamins help clear acne

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Many medical experts believe that zinc supplements are an effective aid in ridding acne. There have been many clinical studies completed on this subject and health professionals now are saying that taking zinc supplements may be a tool in fighting acne. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/does-zinc-vitamins-help-clear-acne ]
More Answers to “Does zinc vitamins help clear acne
Does zinc vitamins help clear acne
Many medical experts believe that zinc supplements are an effective aid in ridding acne. There have been many clinical studies completed on this subject and health professionals now are saying that taking zinc supplements may be a tool in f…

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Does taking Zzinc vitamins help clear up Acne and does Pine Tar Soap work also ?
Q: I have Oily Skin, A lot of Pimples, and Scars.How many mg should I take of the Zinc Vitamins ?????????????
A: Yes, Zinc is great for skin. its also used in creams to help prevent outbreaks and clear up conditions, as well as sun screen.You should only take whats prescribed because your body can only metabolize a certain amount so taking more than directed will only waste your money. Thats with all vitamins by the way. A glass (your body) can only hold so much, then the rest just pours out (comes out in your urine)
HELP! anyone who has used zinc pills for acne!?
Q: i’ve had acne for a long time and tried soo many things. nothing the derm gave me works…so now i’m trying natural stuff. i’ve read a lot of good reviews online from people who used zinc to clear their acne and i want to give it a try. but what i wanted to know is…1) what kind of zinc pills should i take? (i heard chelated, but idk)2) how much do i take a day?3) is it ok to take wirth birth control pills? (i’m on it for my acne as well as for regulation)anyone who has used zinc, PLEASE give me advice on what to do….also, what vitamins could i take that might help my skin?
A: Multiple points:1. Take a multiple vitamin with minerals every day. Vitamin A supplemental (25,000 IU) per day may help as well.2. Topical Zinc is an astringent, and will help dry acne. It is white and obvious: use it only at night.3. Birth control pills help pubescent acne sometimes.4. Oral zinc is proven to speed wound healing — one tablet per day should be adequate.Keep your face cleansed with Dove or another mild soap: never ‘rub’ your face dry: dab it dry.
Zinc vs. Vitamin A in the fight against acne..?
Q: Okay..i’ve been on Vitamin A supplements for about a month…..about 100000 IU a day…my acne has been doing a lot better….so i will lesson the daily intake soon….but i’ve heard that zinc also does the trick…and it can be safer than large doses of Vitamin A…i have also been using Benzoyl Peroxide gel…to help clear my current acne..It dries out my face a lot….hopefully that will get better….so the question is…should i stop the vitamin a…and stick with zinc?…and how much zinc and wat kind will help acne the best??thanks!!!!!!
A: Your taking way too much vitamin A, which in turn will harm your liver. Be careful with excess vitamins. I would continue taking the *A* but remeber 5000 international units is the reccomended daily allowance anything more will, and can ruin your liver. As far as the zinc goes, i would not ingest more than 100mgs a day for best results and safety. Best of luck 🙂
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