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How do i get rid of acne around my hairline

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Try washing your hair and face at least once a week with an anti-dandruff shampoo such as Head and Shoulders. Acne around the hairline is often caused by a bacteria that the zinc in the shampoo will kill. ChaCha for now! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-do-i-get-rid-of-acne-around-my-hairline ]
More Answers to “How do i get rid of acne around my hairline
How do i get rid of my acne around my hairline?
The first thing to do is to pull your hair off of your face while you sleep, especially if it’s long and/or curly. Oil gets trapped under hair and causes acne. So pull your hair back with a hairband or something, and just put hydrogen perox…
How do you get rid of acne around my forehead?
It could be that the skin around your forehead is getting clogged with hair products. Do you wear bangs? If so, try to keep this part of your hair immaculately clean. No gel. No hairspray. And, it goes without saying but… No dirty hair…

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how do i get rid of my acne around my hairline?
Q: i have really bad acne along my hairline. it frames my entire face and it is awful! i try to pop them, but they never seem to go away and they make scabs!!! its really ugly and i dont no what to do. i have proactive but im afraid to put it in my hair. any tips on how to get rid of my acne that are affordable?
A: The first thing to do is to pull your hair off of your face while you sleep, especially if it’s long and/or curly. Oil gets trapped under hair and causes acne. So pull your hair back with a hairband or something, and just put hydrogen peroxide (to clean the wounds) and toothpaste, benzol perioxide, or salycic acid on the acne until they disappear, and keep your face and hair clean and oil free.
How do you get rid of acne around my forehead?
Q: I have some acne around my hairline, on my forehead, and a little around my eyebrows. Why is it only near my forehead, and how can I prevent it?
A: It could be that the skin around your forehead is getting clogged with hair products.Do you wear bangs? If so, try to keep this part of your hair immaculately clean. No gel. No hairspray. And, it goes without saying but… No dirty hair. Because your hand can pick up alot of dirt and germs, try to keep your hands away from your face and your forehead.Make sure you have a regular nightly and morning routine which includes cleansing and moisturizing. I use an inexpensive moisturizer and cotton balls to clean my face. It’s much gentler on your skin than cleanser. Consider using a medicated masque twice a week on your forehead and be sure to rinse thoroughly with water.
I have acne around my hairline how do get rid of it????
A: The Acne is being caused by excessive oil in your hair.You need to wash your hair daily with a mild Shampoo to control the Acne.You need to identify the problem first so that the solution may be found.
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