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What is a recessive trait carried on the X type of chromosome

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A:Color blindness, Hemophilia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy are all X-Linked Recessive Diseases. Cha cha again soon [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-recessive-trait-carried-on-the-x-type-of-chromosome ]
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What is a recessive trait carried on the X type of chromosome?
Color blindness, Hemophilia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy are all X-Linked Recessive Diseases. Cha cha again soon

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Biology Help! Monohybrid Cross…..Punnett Square….10 points best answer!!!!?
Q: The allele for having freckles (F) is dominant over the allele for not having freckles (f). Having freckles is a dominant trait, and the lack of freckles is a recessive trait. In this example, a person with freckles is represented as either FF or Ff, and a person with no freckles is represented as ff.1. Imagine a mother and a father who both have freckles and are heterozygous for the trait, or Ff. They are the P generation, or parent generation. Create a Punnett square to show their offspring, the F1 generation.2. Calculate the ratios of the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring in the F1 generation.Snapdragons are popular garden plants that produce brightly colored flowers. When a plant that is homozygous for white flowers is crossed with a plant that is homozygous for red flowers, all offspring are pink. Snapdragons are an example of a plant that exhibits an inheritance pattern called incomplete dominance.3. Determine the genotype of each parent plant and write them below. Use W to indicate the allele for white flowers and R to indicate the allele for red flowers.Genotype of homozygous parent plant with white flowers: Genotype of homozygous parent plant with red flowers: 4. The two parent plants are the P generation, or parent generation. Create a Punnett square to show their offspring, the F1 generation.5. What are the genotypes and phenotypes of the F1 generation snapdragons?6. Create a Punnett square showing a cross between the two F1 plants from the cross above. Their offspring are the F2 generation.7. What are the genotypes and phenotypes of the F2 generation?As you read, human blood type is determined by multiple alleles that show a type of inheritance called codominance. Recall that the alleles that determine blood type are IA, IB, and i. IA and IB are both dominant over i, while neither IA nor IB is dominant when they combine. Use this table to help you determine the genotypes associated with each blood type.Blood Type (Phenotype) Allele Possible Genotype(s) Possible Allele(s) A IA AA or AO IAIA or IAi B IB BB or BO IBIB or IBi AB IAIB AB IAIB O i OO ii8.Cross 2 parents, one that has the genotype IAi and the other that has the genotype IBi. Create a Punnett square to calculate the possible genotypes of their children9. Look at the table at the beginning of Part 3. What are the possible phenotypes (blood types) of the children?Recall that females have two X chromosomes (XX): one from the mother and one from the father. Males have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome (XY); the X chromosome comes from the mother, and the Y chromosome comes from the father. Traits associated with genes located on the sex chromosomes are called sex-linked traits.Individuals with the sex-linked condition called red-green color blindness do not perceive the colors red and green. Red-green color blindness is caused by the recessive allele c and is carried on the X chromosome. The dominant allele for normal color vision is C. When an X chromosome contains the dominant allele, the allele is written as XC. When an X chromosome contains the recessive allele, the allele is written as Xc. Make sure to distinguish clearly between your big C and little c.10.What is the genotype of a male with red-green color blindness (remember that males are XY)?11.What is the genotype of a female who is not color-blind but is a carrier of red-green color blindness (remember that females are XX)?12.Even though red-green color blindness is a recessive trait, can a female have red-green color blindness? Explain.13.A man who is color-blind marries a woman who is not color-blind and is not a carrier of the allele for color blindness. Create a Punnett square to predict the possible genotypes of their children.14.How many of the female children could be carriers of the allele for colorblindness? Explain.15.Is it possible for these parents to have a color blind son? Explain.
A: DO it yourselves.
Someone who is heterozygous for a recessive allele that causes a disorder ?
Q: A. is not a carrier of the disorder. B. will not have the disorder. C. cannot have offspring with the disorder. D. will get the disorder late in life. 2. The Punnett square in Figure 7.1 shows a cross between two parents who are heterozygous for an autosomal genetic disorder caused by a recessive allele. People with which genotype will have the disorder? A. Ss parent B. ss offspring C. SS offspring D. Ss offspring 3. An XX female will express a recessive sex-linked trait if she A. has several codominant alleles for the gene. B. fully expresses her Y chromosome. C. carries the allele on an epistatic gene. D. is homozygous for the recessive allele. 4. Suppose a mouse is homozygous for alleles that produce black fur and homozygous for alleles of an epistatic gene that produces albinism. What color fur will the mouse have? A. Black B. White C. Gray D. Spotted 5. The crossing of wild type fruit flies with mutant fruit flies resulted in the conclusion that some A. traits are inherited as a group. B. chromosomes are inherited as a group. C. genes assort independently. D. traits assort independently. 6. A female is born with attached earlobes, which is a recessive phenotype. Which of the following statements about her parents must be true? A. Neither has the codominant allele. B. Both parents have the recessive allele. C. Her father has an inactivated allele. D. Her mother carries the dominant allele. 7. If more males than females in a family have a recessive sex-linked disorder, what can you infer about patterns of inheritance in that family? A. The males would pass on the disorder to sons. B. All females would be carriers of the disorder. C. Only females would be carriers of the disorder. D. Females would not develop the disorder. 8. Down syndrome is characterized by having an extra copy of at least a portion of chromosome twenty-one. Which of the following methods would quickly identify the disorder? A. Linkage map B. Meiosis map C. Karyotype D. Pedigree chart 9. __________ occurs in cells of female mammals. A. X chromosome revitalization B. Y chromosome inactivation C. X chromosome inactivation D. Y chromosome expression 10. A plant that is homozygous for red flowers is crossed with a plant that is homozygous for white flowers. The flowers of the offspring are all pink. This is an example of A. complete recession. B. incomplete recession. C. complete dominance. D. incomplete dominance. 11. Studying genetic disorders has resulted in much of what we know about A. single-expression dominance. B. somatic gene disruptions. C. multiple-gene traits in humans. D. single-gene traits in humans. 12. Traits that result from many genes are called A. monogenic traits. B. multigenic traits. C. polygenic traits. D. monolithic traits. 13. Suppose that the cross-over frequency between two genes is 7%. The distance between the two genes on a linkage map is A. .07 units. B. .7 units. C. 7 units. D. 70 units. 14. Gene expression is influenced by many factors. Which of the following is a factor in gene expression? A. Karyotype B. Pedigree C. Environment D. Phenotype 15. Two parents have the genotype Gg for a genetic disorder caused by a dominant allele. What is the chance that any of their children will inherit the disorder? (Hint: complete a Punnett square cross on a separate piece of paper.) A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. 100% 16. Human height occurs in a continuous range because it is affected by the interaction of several genes, making it a(n) A. autosomal trait. B. sex-linked trait. C. polygenic trait. D. codominant trait. 17. The gene linkage map shown in Figure 7.2 shows the order of genes A, B, and C. Which of the following statements about the genes is true? A. The distance between A and B is 14.5 map units. B. A and B cross over 2.5% of the time. C. A and C are linked 8.5% of the time. D. B and C are most likely to be inherited together. 18. Two genes cross over 6% of the time. This percentage means that the genes are A. inactivated in 6 out of 100 offspring. B. incompletely dominant in 6 out of 100 offspring. C. not inherited together in 6 out of 100 offspring. D. on sex chromosomes in 6 out of 100 offspring. 19. Suppose a person is a carrier for a genetic disorder. Which of the following phrases about this person is true? A. Does not have the disorder but can pass it on B. Will develop the disorder only late in life C. Cannot pass the disorder to sons, just daughters D. The allele is not passed on due to Y chromosome inactivation 20. What is the main reason that sex-linked disorders are most often observed in males? A. The X chromosome only has genes for genetic disorders.
A: Someone who is heterozygous for a recessive allele that causes a disorder ?B. will not have the disorder. 2. The Punnett square in Figure 7.1 shows a cross between two parents who are heterozygous for an autosomal genetic disorder caused by a recessive allele. People with which genotype will have the disorder? B. ss offspring 3. An XX female will express a recessive sex-linked trait if she D. is homozygous for the recessive allele. 4. Suppose a mouse is homozygous for alleles that produce black fur and homozygous for alleles of an epistatic gene that produces albinism. What color fur will the mouse have? C. Gray 5. The crossing of wild type fruit flies with mutant fruit flies resulted in the conclusion that some C. genes assort independently. 6. A female is born with attached earlobes, which is a recessive phenotype. Which of the following statements about her parents must be true? B. Both parents have the recessive allele. 7. If more males than females in a family have a recessive sex-linked disorder, what can you infer about patterns of inheritance in that family? C. Only females would be carriers of the disorder. 8. Down syndrome is characterized by having an extra copy of at least a portion of chromosome twenty-one. Which of the following methods would quickly identify the disorder? C. Karyotype 9. __________ occurs in cells of female mammals. C. X chromosome inactivation 10. A plant that is homozygous for red flowers is crossed with a plant that is homozygous for white flowers. The flowers of the offspring are all pink. This is an example of D. incomplete dominance. 11. Studying genetic disorders has resulted in much of what we know about D. single-gene traits in humans. 12. Traits that result from many genes are called C. polygenic traits. 13. Suppose that the cross-over frequency between two genes is 7%. The distance between the two genes on a linkage map is C. 7 units. 14. Gene expression is influenced by many factors. Which of the following is a factor in gene expression? C. Environment 15. Two parents have the genotype Gg for a genetic disorder caused by a dominant allele. What is the chance that any of their children will inherit the disorder? (Hint: complete a Punnett square cross on a separate piece of paper.) C. 75% 16. Human height occurs in a continuous range because it is affected by the interaction of several genes, making it a(n) C. polygenic trait. 18. Two genes cross over 6% of the time. This percentage means that the genes are C. not inherited together in 6 out of 100 offspring. 19. Suppose a person is a carrier for a genetic disorder. Which of the following phrases about this person is true? A. Does not have the disorder but can pass it on
I NEED HELP! I have a couple of biology questions that I need answered ASAP?
Q: I have a test in a few hours and I don’t know if the answers on my study guide are right or not. Can you help me by answering these questions so I can compare my answers to yours. Thanks in advance.1) What type of cell molecule forms cartilage and hair, can be hormones or transporters, and acts as an enzyme?A) centrosomeB) RNAC) proteinD) ribosome2) What would most likely happen if one base were changed in the base sequences of a DNA molecule?A) Messenger RNA would correct the mistakeB) Genome copying would be impossibleC) Protein synthesis would stopD) A defective protein would be produced3) If a eukaryotic cell has 22 chromosomes and it undergoes meiosis, how many chromosomes will the resulting gametes contain?A) 11B) 23C) 44D) 46E) 224) For this species with four pairs of homologous chromosomes, the number of unique chromosomes (the number 1n) is:A) 64B) 4C) 8D) 16E) 325) A human cell fails to undergo cytokinesis while performing meiosis II, so that the daughter cells do not form. How many chromosomes will be in the resulting cell?A) 23B) 46C) 92D) 1846) What is considered a “black box” in biology?A) various cellular organellesB) any of a number of expensive automated scientific machinesC) processes in which we know only input and outputD) patented devices whose mechanisms are known only by the manufacturerC) an old camera7) Which type of allele, or allelic combination, can be present in an individual without affecting phenotype?A) dominantB) heterozygous dominantC) homozygous recessiveD) recessiveE) homozygous dominant8) Which of the following did Gregor Mendel not illustrate?A) Identical phenotypes d not necessarily mean organisms have identical genotypesB) Units of inheritance come in pairsC) Phenotypic characteristics do not “blend” over many generationsD) Inheritance is caused by discrete particlesE) Units of inheritance are found on chromsom9) Before Mendel, people had observed inheritance of dominant and recessive traits by following many generations of plants and animals. What was different about Mendel’s work?A) He used a plant that had never been cultivated beforeB) He kept careful count of his results, including mathematical analysisC) His results were immediately accepted and applied to other studiesD) He followed more generations than anyone elseE) He did both cross- and self-fertilizations10) Regarding the human sex chromosomes, which statement is correct?A) The Y chromosomes carries a greater number of genes for asexual traits than does the X chromosomeB) X and Y are different in size but carry nearly equal numbers of genesC) The X chromosomes carries more genes for asexual traits than does the YD) The X chromosomes carries only gender-related genesE) The X chromosomes carries the genes for the development of male phenotype11) A trait like albinism is seen with equal frequency in males and females. Two people who do not have the trait might have offspring who do have the trait, at a frequency of approximately one in four. What can you conclude about the inheritance of this trait?A) recessive, X-linkedB) recessive, autosomalC) recessive, caused by polyploidyD) dominant, X-linkedE) dominant, autosomal12) What is a recessive disorder?A) a genetic disorder with two functioning allelesB) a genetic disorder that will express itself in the presence of two recessive allelesC) a genetic disorder which will express itself in the presence of two recessive allelesD) a genetic disorder that involves change in chromosomes numberE) a genetic disorder that involves change in chromosomes structure13) How were the rough locations of genes and chromosomal processes such as crossing over first visualized in detail?A) by X-ray mutagenesis of Neurospora chromsomesB) by isolating chromosomes from the pea plants used by MendelC) using unusual, abnormally large chromosomes from DrosophilaD) using X-ray crystallography to examine chromosome structureE) by examining mutations in sperm and egg chromosomes14) How are X rays used in the technique of X-ray crystallography?A) The scattering of X rays by a purified form of a molecule reveals its structureB) DNA strands are separated by X-ray energy, revealing the order of basesC) Cells are broken open to release chromosomes by being bombarded with X raysD) The X rays are used to mutate DNA, to determine the location of genesE) Enzymes are destroyed by X rays, revealing the order of steps in metabolism15) Watson and Crick:A) relied heavily on the experimental results of othersB) did extensive experimentationC) were unaware that others were also seeking the structure of DNAD) had strong evidence that DNA was a proteinE) were hired by laboratories speciifically to study DNA16) Watson and Crick discovered:A) that DNA is made of nucleotidesBThanks man. I asked somebody else this question and they gave me all the wrong answers.
A: 1: C. protein2. D. defective protein3. A. 11 (it halves)4. C. 8 (a pair are similar but not identical)5. A. 23 (same as normal cell)6. unsure – at a guess C7. recessive8. D. discrete particalsIf i were you, i’d just trust the guide as its most like correctthe rest someone else will have to do
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