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What is Aqueous Zinc

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Aqueous zinc solutions for use in physiological administration containing a water-soluble zinc salt in a proportion MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-aqueous-zinc ]
More Answers to “What is Aqueous Zinc
What is Aqueous Zinc
Aqueous zinc solutions for use in physiological administration containing a water-soluble zinc salt in a proportion MORE?
When potassium is dropped into aqueous zinc nitrate, zinc anand a…?
Yes that is what happens, because since Potassium, is higher than zinc on the reactivity series, and this is called a displacement reaction. The more reactive metal displaces the less reactive metal from its solution.
Does using zinc electrodes affect the concentration of zinc ions …?
This electrolysis is the mere transfer of zinc from the positive electrode to the negative electrode. Hence the concentration of the aqueous zinc sulphate remains unchanged.

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Q: when using 2.5 grams of zinc and placing it in a reaction beaker, hydrogen gas and zinc sulfate soultion is a second reaction fromed from it. Would anyone know what would be the color of the hydrogen gas and the color is the aqueous zinc sulfate?
A: They should both be colourless.
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A: 2 Cu + 1 Zn(NO3)2 → 2 CuNO3 + 1 ZnCopper: 2 → 2Zinc: 1 → 1Nitrogen: 2 → 2Oxygen: 6 → 6(Law of Conservation of mass).
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Q: please and thanks
A: Zinc normally loses two electrons to form the 2+. In HCl, you have the H+ ion and Cl- ion.So the equation would be:Zn + 2HCl -> ZnCl2 + H2
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