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Can you have abdominal pains in the first week of pregnancy

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you have abdominal pains in the first week of pregnancy”,you can compare them.

A:In the first few weeks of pregnancy you may not know you are pregnant. Mild cramping in early pregnancy is common. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/can-you-have-abdominal-pains-in-the-first-week-of-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “Can you have abdominal pains in the first week of pregnancy
Is headaches tiredness and stomach cramps common in the first few…?
Yes, some early pregnancy symptoms include headaches, fatigue, stomach cramps , and vomiting or nausea. ChaCha!
Is lower abdominal pain normal during the first 4 weeks of pregna…?
It depends on the type of pain. Is it a cramping dull kind of pain like you normally have during your periods or is it a sharp kind of pain that goes on and off? If it is the latter, I suggest you check with your doctor straight away bec…
Are abdominal pains normal 2 weeks into pregnancy??
it is normal to experience some pain, but if it is severe then i would see my doctor. You are so young and that could play a role because you at 16 r still developing and this has happened to really young girls like yourself. However, if yo…

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Q: me and my boyfriend had sex around three weeks ago, now im getin some abdominal pains in the left hand and sometimes the right hand side. i havnt lost my appetite, im probably more hungry, but im also very tired and lacking in energy. me and my boyfriend want a baby, but im not sure if these pains could possibly be tht im pregnant?please help…
A: I had period-type pains in my lower abdomen between weeks 5-9.If you are pregnant, it will more than likely be the fact that everything is moving, changing and growing inside to make room for a baby.Take a pregnancy test when your period is a day or two late.Feeling lethargic is another sign of early pregnancy.
URGENT! First pregnancy and getting sharp pain @ 6 Weeks.?
Q: Hi allThis is new to me as it’s my first pregnancy. I have an ultra sound on Monday and I though I was 7 weeks preg going on to 8 weeks preg this week. The midwife said that I got the dates wrong because there was only a sac yoke and a sign of the placenta. She told me that it looks like I am 5 weeks and a few days as no fetus is showing yet. I have a 32 day cycle so GP must have done my calculation based on a 28 day cycle. I have been feeling sharp cramping that feel like period pains and they come and go through out the day. I have a very sharp pain once a day and than some stretching feeling in my lower part of my abdominal. I have also been feeling really sick and I have been put off completely off my food. I am trying my best to eat but it’s not happening. My boobs have grown and are sensitive but not like a few weeks back that were painful to touch or if my top rubbed on them, it will kill. People say that you get constipated but I haven’t felt that. I have been getting lots of gasses and my bowl movement have not been the usual stuff but soft looking texture, like diarrhea but not so much.Can any body help please if the above symptoms are normal and if cramping as well? I have had no bleeding what so ever.I’ve also been taking Pregnacare Plus so not sure if that is giving me the sharp tummy pain and soft bowl movement?Please useful comments but mothers or mothers to be.
A: its normal to get the pains esp if its your first time around and they can be painfull i got them and i didnt have a clue what was going on but best ring your doctor to be on the safe side but it all sounds normal to me :)but ring doctor to put your mind at rest
Lower right side abdominal pain in early pregnancy?
Q: I am 7 weeks 3 days right now i have seen an OB they did not do a ultra sound because they like to do them when you can hear the baby’s heart beat but i today i have this kind of a sharp pain on my right side i sometimes get it in my left side. they are not that bad of a pain just uncomfortable im sure it is just from my uterus stretching. But should i be worried at all? When i seen the OB she felt all around and said that my cervix feels like a very pregnant one and she said that she has gotten alot of patients who had ectopic pregnancies but she can usually tell by feeling. This is my first pregnancy so i am very new to this stuff so any answer is good enough thanks in advance.I thought i would also add that i do not have any type of spotting or bleeding havent since my last period in august.Yeah i miss calculated i guess i would be 7 weeks 5 days right now thank you for correcting me lol.
A: Looks like you got your answers, but just wanted to say I think those pains are normal! I am about a week ahead of you & that sounds like what I have felt. So long as it isn’t constant, and doesn’t hurt so bad you can’t stand it, and no bleeding – I think it’s growing pains. Ectopic pregnancies will make your shoulder hurt, from pressure, b/c you will have internal bleeding. Don’t worry about that, b/c this doesn’t sound like that. I’m surprised they didn’t do a sono on you though, b/c I had mine done at 7w4d & we saw the baby & the heartbeat & heard the heartbeat,, too. I bet your looking forward to the next visit!!! Good luck, congrats.
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