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What could a pain in left side abdominal be

Health related question in topics Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “What could a pain in left side abdominal be”,you can compare them.

A:It could be a variety of things including Kidney Stones, Bowel Obstruction or Viral Hepatitis. Call your doctor for more. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-could-a-pain-in-left-side-abdominal-be ]
More Answers to “What could a pain in left side abdominal be
What could lower left side abdomen pain, that shoots pain to your…?
Symptoms of diverticulitis may be something like what you are describing. These are also common in pregnant women. ChaCha!
What causes lower left abdominal pain?
There are multiple causes of lower left abdominal pain including gastroenteritis, kidney stones, diverticultis (in elderly), ovarion torsion and ectopic pregnancy (in females), injury to abdomen, bowel obstruction etc.
How Can I Lower Left Abdominal Pain?
Hi, Since you said you have lower left abdominal paid, it seems to be caused by diverticulitis which are normally located in the left side. To relief pain, you need to lie still and call your family and friends to ask them to send you to ho…

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My son has abdominal pain in his left side. What could it be?
Q: He is 19 years old and very fit – a runner. He described the pain as located behind the ribs and stomach on the left side. The doctor he saw put him on prevacid, thinking it was stress related, stomach acid related. My son doesn’t feel like this is what it is. He has never had heartburn in his life. After taking prevacid for two weeks, the pain is worse. At the follow up appointment the doctor sent him home and wants to give it more time to see if it will “run it’s course.” What could be causing the pain, and what can he do?Now his pain has worsened and they are doing a ct scan today to see what they can find. I wish I could be with him!
A: It would be gas but the Prevacid would/should have taken care of this. When you say left side I am wondering whether it is his spleen or part of the pancreas. Does your son get increased pain just as he is finishing eating? A few years back my nephew got crossed checked from behind and smashed up against the boards and ruptured his spleen while playing hockey. He was able to keep his spleen without surgical intervention but when he ate he was in a lot pain as though the expanding of his stomach was pushing against the swollen spleen. This lasted for a few weeks and he had to remain in the hospital until the majority of the swelling came down. Is it possible that your son has hurt himself, pushed up against a wall, or something else and has forgotten about it? A spleen can rupture from a fall and you don’t necessarily have to fall directly on it for it to happen. A friend of mine, her father fell last year on the ice and he had unexplained pain and it turned out to be a ruptured spleen.Good luck to your son, I hope everything works out okay.
Left Side Abdominal Pain – what is it?
Q: I have been experiencing sharp pain in my lower left abdomin — about 3 inches from my belly button — for about 3 days now. I do not have any other symptoms except for this sharp pain. It does not get worse with coughing or movement, but is extremely tender to the touch. I’ve neer been constipated before, so I don’t really know what that is like, but I have passed fairly normal stool — maybe a little less than normal, but pretty okay. Any ideas on what this could be?
A: go to the clinic and stop guessing…
What a pain lower left abdominal area what could it be?
Q: For the past four days i have a dull/ uncomfortable pain in my left side around my ovary area, not ovulation pain though, i am six days passed ovulation. Sometimes it turns into a sharp pain for about 10 seconds & then goes back to the dull pain. It is worse if i need to go to the toilet & once i go, it returns to dull pain again. It doesnt hurt at all to go to the toilet.It is totally bearable but still worrying me as it is not right.Any ideas about what it could be?
A: “There are no boundaries.” – Kris Allen, American Idol 2009
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