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Does diarrhea have acid in it

Health related question in topics Diarrhea .We found some answers as below for this question “Does diarrhea have acid in it”,you can compare them.

A:No, diarrhea is simply a loose, watery stool combined with abdominal cramps and abdominal pain. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/does-diarrhea-have-acid-in-it ]
More Answers to “Does diarrhea have acid in it
Does diarrhea have acid in it
No, diarrhea is simply a loose, watery stool combined with abdominal cramps and abdominal pain .
How come whenever i go diarrhea, it feels like acid is burning my…?
You know…it isn’t even 5AM yet…and I have to wake up to this? LMAO
Can Folic Acid during pregnancy cause diarrhea?
Nope, the diarrhea is linked to your pregnancy. It’s a very common symptom in pregnancy. Are you just taking folic acid? It’s probably a LOT better if you go on a prenatal multi vitamin. It contains enough folic acid but also everything …

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A: I dunno about ur green poop… but I have had some MAD gas since I have gotten pregnant!! Like gas like crazy…
Do you agree or disagree with Obama healthcare reform?
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A: That was a pretty long story, but I do agree with you. Even those who have insurance stand a good chance of being dropped if they get a serious illness. Why is the Insurance allowed to profit by their fraud? And the Congress is in charge of creating these bills. The term “Obamacare” and/or Obama health care reform are used mostly to discredit the efforts being made just as the efforts by the Clinton’s 16 years before were called Hillary care. Now it has become common in usage and not meant to imply it all comes directly from Obama.The Industry makes profits decisions at the cost of people’s lives. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0iIp1LWA3ACanceling policies of good faith leaving the insured person without coverage to die answer is “we regret the necessity” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVSxhjftEsoDenied a kidney transplant with the claim that it was “Experimental” then bowed to public pressure to allow the transplant just hours before the 17 year old girl died.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_pValNTeDYThe family seeks murder charges for CIGNA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w2NR2gnLushttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9L50shyUoQUThis is not a partisan matter for me. My husband suffered a life threatening illness because an HMO gave him a series of antibiotics to save the cost of running tests to find out why he was getting ill. He was resuscitated in an Ambulance when his intestates burst. He survived but was disabled and his health deteriorated until he died 4 years later.I wish you and your boyfriend well. Keep fighting as if his life depends upon it because it does. CIGNA WhistleblowerYahoo!http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/index.php?cl=15074511My preference would be single payer system which is what is used in France with success or Universal Insurance which is used in Germany. Both of these countries appear to have already recovered from the recession. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financevideo/?bcpid=3469232001&bctid=33649680001However, a public option is a compromise of choice to avoid disrupting the already established for profit health care system. This would keep the for profit Insurers “in check” and lower costs for every one. I am fed up with the nay sayers who try to spread fear or say it can’t be done. What ever CAN be done is better then NOTHING done which is what we have had for decades. What ever we end up with in Health Care Reform and Insurance Reform will not be like any other Country since the United States is unique and needs unique solutions for these problems. And if the for profit insurance companies die out I would say “Good riddence.” New non profit insurance companies would replace them.
Yellow diarrhea, vomiting and acid reflux? Can anyone give me a quick diagnosise?
Q: I’ve been sick for 5 days, and I can’t see a doctor…bc I don’t have healthcare at the moment and it’s too expensive.Day 1: Feeling dizzy, weak, left work early. Had normal looking Diarrhea, almost threw up.Day 2: Ate a hotdog, vomited it several hours later. Diarrhea was liquid. Ate crackers..only thing I could eat. Tried Kaopectate; not sure if it did anything. Trouble sleeping kept running to bathroom all night, weird nightmaresDay 3: Ate a bowl of noodle soup, stomach felt better. No more throwing up. But had yellowish brown diarrhea. Able to digest food now but stool is abnormal. Still, up almost all nightDay 4: Ate some sweet n’ sour chicken(I figured it was light enough) and kept it down. Nausiea feeling never comes back but stool is soft loose yellow mostly diarrhea. Seems as if half of it is stomach acids. Slept normallyDay 5: Today, haven’t eaten anything yet but very hungry=as I lay in my bed my stomach makes weird noises. I pushed down on it and I heargassy noises.I’ve definitely improved from being curled up in a fetal position on my couch or bed-to now just having yellowish brown diarrhea stool..I still am out of work and I’m confined to my house.I wonder if peptobismol will do anything?Another thing… could I eat fiber? I really miss my morning bowl of raisin bran. Not a big fan of noodle soup, tea and toast
A: there is a reason the body has diarrhea. it helps rid the body of what is toxic to it. immodium and pepto help stop diarrhea but then the substance your body is getting rid of stays. your urine is yellow because you are dehydrated. drink a lot of water or gatorade to replenish your system. this may take several days. diarrhea dehydrates the body very quickly.the best advice is to try to keep your diet simple. broth, jello, lots of clear liquids. add saltine and club crackers because they act as a binder in the colon and will mae your poop less runny. if your poop doesn’t start to harden back up in 3 to 4 days, start taking immodium. just get the over the counter brand and follow the directions. but be careful to stop before you’re completely well as it may cause constipation. the noises in your stomach are air. as your system evacuated the nasty thing making it sick, it filled with air. nothing to worry about unless your in public alot and worried about the farting. this is virus season as i’m sure you already know, a virus has to just run it’s course. nothing you can do about it. takes about 10 days. if you start to run a fever and it gets above 101.5, take tylenol 500mg every 4 hours and ibuprofen 400 mg every 6 hors. you’ll be fine in time.
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