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What More symptoms of cancer

Health related question in topics Cancer Symptoms .We found some answers as below for this question “What More symptoms of cancer”,you can compare them.

A:Some common early symptoms are weight loss, depression, bone pain, joint pain, abdominal bloating, abdominal pain. More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-more-symptoms-of-cancer ]
More Answers to “What More symptoms of cancer
What More symptoms of cancer
Some common early symptoms are weight loss, depression, bone pain, joint pain, abdominal bloating, abdominal pain. More?
How To Identify Symptoms of Cancer
You have a Persistent Rash that doesn’t go away! Your skin has darkened and won’t heal!
Are there symptoms of metastatic cancer?
Some people with metastatic cancer do not have symptoms. Their metastases are found by x-rays and other tests performed for other reasons. When symptoms of metastatic cancer occur, the type and frequency of the symptoms will depend on the s…

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I’m looking for more specific symptoms of Ovarian Cancer?
Q: I know these ones, abdominal pain, bloating, pelvic pain or back pain. I am looking for something a bit more specific. My doctor already kind of thinks I am a hypochndriac, So I don’t want to go in there with nothing. So here’s what I am experiencing. A change in my cycle, it’s not as regular and I feel better during, but I am also thinking this could just be my body adjusting a little more. I also have been recently treated for gall stones to reduce indigestion which it didn’t and I have back pain which I think is related to my spinal tap, but heck maybe it’s not cause my doctor thinks this kind of pain is odd from a spinal tap.So please let me know anything that might help me figure out if I am just being parnoid or If it might be somethingWow, I find that kind of Funny, I think my gallstones are more likely due to Diet and genetic disposition (Some Native American Decent)I believe that you are making a referance to Cervical Cancer and HPV.Not Ovarian cancer and HCV which is a known cause for Liver cancer, Please check your facts I confuse easily
A: Ovarian cancer often shows no obvious signs or symptoms until late in its development. Signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer may include: General abdominal discomfort and/or pain (gas, indigestion, pressure, swelling, bloating, cramps) Nausea, diarrhea, constipation, or frequent urination Loss of appetite Feeling of fullness even after a light meal Weight gain or loss with no known reason Abnormal bleeding from the vagina These symptoms may be caused by ovarian cancer or by other, less serious conditions. It is important to check with a doctor about any of these symptoms
Health Question- Keep losing weight and few more symptoms.
Q: I’m a 20 year old girl. I’m 5’4″, over a year ago I was at 120-125 for weight, and now I’m down to 100, maybe even less now. I am not excersizing, or dieting. In fact, I eat a decent amount of junk food, so you would think I would gain weight. Use to be sort of chubby, now I’m super skinny, no fat anywheres. Also, I have lost my libido. I have alot of lower belly pains, along with lower back pain when not on period. And I never really ‘feel good’. I would love a reply from a nurse, or doctor. I have this feeling something is wrong with me, but I don’t want to go to the hospital. Any ides on what it might be? I haven’t had a pap smear in over 2 years, although my doctor said to get one every 6 months, becuase my risk of ovarian cancer is high. Would love any useful information, or even a website that allows me to e’mail a question to a doctor. Thank you very much!
A: you may have diabetes, other symtoms for diabetes is being thirsty all the time.
Do I have nasal cancer or just a sinus infection? ?
Q: I have had pain in my nose for quite some time now. I recall the pain being there during my hockey playing days which was a full year ago at least. I have always ignored the pain and it goes away if I don’t touch it but the slightest touch can cause pain around the nostrils and cartilage. Is this a fracture, an infection, or a possible tumor? I had read that there were more symptoms to nasal cancer which includes nose bleeds, lose teeth, and frequent headaches. I have experienced all of these but not frequently, and not enough to make me worry too much about it. So tell me what you think. Any help is appreciated. I could be just paranoid.
A: You definitely need to have this checked out as soon as possible . . the fact that this has been going on for a year should alarm you. There is absolutely no way that anyone here can tell you what this is . . it could be an infection or it could be cancer . . just from your description cancer cannot be ruled out. The sooner you find out what this is and if it turns out to be a malignancy than the better chance for survival. Better to be safe and check it than be sorry later.NCI: Paranasal Sinus and Nasal Cavity Cancerhttp://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/treatment/paranasalsinus/patient/Good luck to you and hopefully this will turn out to be nothing but a scare. Go to doctor.
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