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How can heavy smoking cause you to miss your period

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A:In some cases heavy smoking can also be the cause of amenorrhea. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-can-heavy-smoking-cause-you-to-miss-your-period ]
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How can heavy smoking cause you to miss your period
In some cases heavy smoking can also be the cause of amenorrhea.

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Marijuana Anxiety / Panic Attacks?
Q: Heres the deal, i’ve been a heavy chronic smoker for the past 6 years, sense i was 16 years old till 22 years old. well one day i was in my room hitting the bong and right after i took a hit i felt my heart skip a beat and a loss of breathe, instantly i freaked out.. and it set me into a full blown panic attack, i was so scared that i was having a heart attack that i actually went to the ER and was told everything was fine and i had an “Anxiety Attack”. Thinking it wasnt the weed that caused the panic attack i went home that night and smoked a bowl, right after smoking the bowl it set me into another full blown panic attack, my heart was beating very fast and hard / skipping beats, face got all hot etc… and has been doing the same to me everytime sense then that i’ve tried to smoke. The panic attacks seem to come and go for a couple of days after i have smoked also, they do not go away once i come down. I keep thinking to myself, that one day i will be able to smoke again and have the same enjoyment i have had in the past, every now and then i will buy a bag from a buddy, and smoke… theres been a few times ive smoked and it always turns out the same way. Seeing how its been a year and it still does it its sad to say that i think my pot smoking days are over with. I can’t explain to you how much this sucks, at times i wish i would have never seen pot, tried it.. been around it period. it’s made my life hell and i deal with anxiety now usually on a daily bases, due to the smoking of pot. Once being the ring leader in smoking pot with all my buddys, i am now the outsider, ive had to limit myself from friends that smoke pot on a daily bases because i simply can not be around it without wanting to smoke. I hear my buddys getting high and all i can think to myself is if i will ever be able to smoke again without getting these horrible anxiety attacks, but i know the answer is no.I guess the question i am trying to ask is if this has happend to anyone else? or is it just me… and if it has happend how did u stop it to beable to smoke pot again? i miss getting high and all the good things that used to come with it for me, and not a day goes by that i dont think about smoking or fight off the urge to buy a bag and get high.Thanks for your time in reading this.
A: Yo my ni99a and I call u my ni99a cuz I connected wit you on da mental level when you wrote dat. I feel it to the fullest I mean fullest it felt like I wrote that shyt I was buggin. da past month I been lookin threw da internet to see if somebody can answer da same question you askin either ppl saying dumb shyt that can’t help me or its weed heads that are ignorant to what we goin threw I don’t blame them cuz I am a weed luver to and da good tymes would not allow me to entertain a question like that cuz you jus don’t kno untill dis shyt happens to you. Only thang that’s diffent iz I got 1 or 2 panic attacks b4 I got A bad one when I couldnt breathe felt like sumtin was n my throat (no homo) stoping me from fully breathein chest doesn’t fully get filled wit air n my face lost alil color turn kind of blueish purple. I didn’t have da balls like you to keep smokin I knew it was da weed and I stop (3weeks so far) so dis is new to me. I got doctors appointments set up where I pose to go to a shrink its fuckin wit me cuz I kno I aint a krazy dude prolly alil stress but not sumtin I thought that would bring my weed smoking to this point. (Been smokein for 10 years n dis shyt happen outta no where). I’ve stop smokin for da past 3 weeks but I still sumtymes get shortness of breath da late night krazy panic attacks don’t come no more but im still alil shakey threw out the whole day. Sumtymes I have krazy dreams n more heart races n dat wakes me up n I gotta calm down dats how I been startin my day ever since. Dis shyt is wack I kno its a wrap for me to wit weed and im hurt. But da best thang dat helped me was gettin my mind off of my problems by stayin bizy but sometymes always reminded I gotta go home at da end of da day to myself n back to these problems. I really aint got nuttin to help you im still looking for help myself but I wrote dis cuz I feel ya pain and wish you well n to all my weed heads that dis happen to. If you do find a way threw dis holla me lol (btw I think it iz A mental thang cuz gettin dis off my chest helped alil)
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