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What if you don’t have your period you miss it

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A:There is a disordered named Amenorrhea which means that you do not get a menstrual period. This is for a period of 6 months and up [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-if-you-don%27t-have-your-period-you-miss-it ]
More Answers to “What if you don’t have your period you miss it
What if you don’t have your period you miss it
There is a disordered named Amenorrhea which means that you do not get a menstrual period. This is for a period of 6 months and up
Why did i miss my period
Missing a period can be caused by numerous reasons including pregnancy and stress. When pregnant, a female’s egg is fertilized and remains in the cervix to grow into a baby, therefore causing a missed period for 40 weeks.
Is it possible to miss a period not be pregnant?
A missed period is not a sure sign that you a pregnant many things can cause you to miss a period. If you think you may be pregnant you should take an at home test and then consult your doctor.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What if you don’t know when your missed period is?
Q: What if you don’t know when your missed period is? When would you test? I used to have regular cycles on to where I could set my watch to them.. but then I went on depo for deployment. (periods in the desert suck) I stopped 3 months before we came home and the month we got back I got my period back.. every two weeks.. so they put me on an oral BC to get my hormones back on cycle. I double stacked packages because I went on vacation during the period phase, and my DR said I could double stack if I wanted too. Now I’m not quite sure when my expected period would be, I haven’t been the best pill taker lately.. so there is a very good chance I could be pregnant if my hormones weren’t that out of wack.. I probably miss 3 pills a week. Would it best be just to wait like two more weeks, if nothing shows up.. then test or what?
A: I could be wrong about this as I’m just spitballing here but I would wait for when you would typically expect your period to be. So… for example, if before you were on depo, you got your period around the 5th, I would wait until after then.Otherwise, I would take the date of your first period after your depo wore off.Honestly, it can take up to 6 months for your period to return to normal once you come off the depo, so this could be what you’re experiencing.If you’re still active duty, you can always just go into your bases medical clinic. Where hubby and I are stationed, they do walk in pregnancy testing for active duty so you’d be seen right away with no waiting.Good luck and thank you for what you do :o)
Is it possible to be pregnant if you don’t skip your first period?
Q: I had sex about. . . 2 weeks ago tomorrow. . . and I just got my period. . . Is it possible that I could still be pregnant? I mean. . . how long after you’ve had sex are you supposed to miss your period? I don’t get what I’m asking. . . It’s hard to explain. . . Hopefully you get what I’m asking..
A: If you had sex two weeks ago, and just got your period now, chances are that you are not pregnant. But if you atill have any doubts, a pregnancy test should ease your mind.
What happens if you don’t have your period while on the pill?
Q: This is going to be the end of the 2nd month of me using Yaz. Before I used Yaz, I used Ortho Novum for 3 months. Last month, I had my period, but it was a day late after taking the placebo pills. But this month, I haven’t stared my period yet and I’m going to start my 3rd packet of Yaz next tomorrow. Can this mean I’m pregnant? What should I do?I did miss 2 pills the 2nd week of the packet, but I did take it when the instructions told me to take it, which is the next day at the same time. Is it normal? I’m so confused….
A: well some pills u dont get ur period if u dont take the sugar pills and they might not have sugar pills so idk go to ur doctor and see
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