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How much do you have to exercise to stop your period and what do you have to do

Health related question in topics to Stop Your Period .We found some answers as below for this question “How much do you have to exercise to stop your period and what do you have to do”,you can compare them.

A:Exercise induced amenorrhea (or cessation of menstruation) occurs in serious, professional athletes. The average person is not going to stop her period by exercising. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-much-do-you-have-to-exercise-to-stop-your-period-and-what-do-you-have-to-do ]
More Answers to “How much do you have to exercise to stop your period and what do you have to do
How much do you have to exercise to stop your period and what do …?
Exercise induced amenorrhea (or cessation of menstruation) occurs in serious, professional athletes. The average person is not going to stop her period by exercising. ChaCha again soon!
Can doing too much exercise stop your period or make you infertil…?
It isn’t the too much exercise part of the equation, it’s your calorie intake/body fat percentage. You have a condition called hypothalamic amenorrhea where your body fat level drops below a point where your body believes that it can suppor…
Did My Period Stop Because of Too Much Exercise?
It’s not surprising you’re not having your period after such rapid weight loss. Two hours of exercise a day can add up to a lot of calories burned, which means that you need to take in more calories than when you were not as active. Unfortu…

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Q: How long did it take and how much did you lose? How much exercise? Changes in eating habits? I was drinking a six pack every night plus more on the weekends. Recently, I have not drank alcohol in 6 days and am planning to stick with it until a wedding I am in in 2 months. From your experiences, what should I expect? About 200lb male, fairly active, and knowledgable about healthy eating habits. Thanks!
A: I also weigh 200lbs and used to be a very active drinker, mainly beer, but not every night, but when I did, it was A LOT! I stopped drinking beer all together, and if we went out, I would have whiskey on the rocks with a splash of sprite and I wouldn’t have too many (2-3).A) I saved a lot of money.B) After a week I felt a difference, but there was only like 1 pound differenceC) After 3 weeks I’d lost 8lbsD) After 6 weeks, I was down to 190 from 210.I never really changed my diet all the much, but I drank a crap ton of water all day. I’m not really that active, but I walk everywhere all the time. Im sure you could expect similar results after 2 months.
If you weigh 270 lbs and your period has stopped what can that mean?
Q: assuming your not pregnant and your 20 years old (and you gained 70 lbs in the past year). Other than dieting is there any other immediate concerns that needs to be resolved? What diet programs do you recommend for someone that might want to lose the first 50lbs in the first year of dieting? Any inexpensive exercise routines? Also, is there a way that the person can jump start their period w/o seeing a doctor (this person is really not willing to go to the doctor because of a phobia, no matter how much I coax them it will be nearly impossible to get them to go). Please this is about someone dear to me so please, please help!
A: If you gained 70 pounds in the past year and lost your period, there is a very high possibility that you have a hormonal problem, most likely too much testosterone. I know you don’t want to see a doctor, but this condition (polycystic ovary syndrome is one possible cause) can be life-threatening. It is treatable. There are compassionate doctors out there. Please, just think about seeing a doctor.Good luck.
Weird fainting / dizziness / shortness of breathe incident today… Please help with your input!
Q: This is gonna be a long one, but I could really use any help you may be able to give me! Let me start by giving a little background info before I get into what happened. I’m a female, 21 years old. I’m currently on the Medifast diet, I weigh 240 and have lost 36 pounds while on this diet. Exercise really isn’t part of the initial stage of this diet, because I only consume about 800 calories a day while on this program. So they say that only mild exercise should be done (walking for about 15 minutes a day)… well yesterday I played hardcore tennis for an hour..and was extremely tired and exhausted. And today I decided to get on the treadmill. I had some cramps and felt extremely exhausted before I started but figured it was from my period and I should stop being a lazy bum, and I got on. I did some jogging for 20 minutes, I did some sprinting and incline, and then did the bike for 5 and then did 200 crunches, all on an empty stomach..with no food or water. I was extremely tired afterwards and could barely move… I went to the kitchen to get water because I felt HORRIBLE and immediately knew something was wrong. I knew i was about to faint so I sat down and then i started having extreme pains in my abdomen..something like menstrual cramps but 1000x worse. I became dizzy, and was going to faint numerous times but kept my self alert enough to not pass out… i was having extreme shortness of breathe. I couldn’t talk or move. I fell in the hallway… The pain I was feeling was by far THE WORST pain I have ever felt in my life. My face and lips were EXTREMELY WHITE. I started having cold sweat and chills and sweating all at the same time. After calling 911, my mom poured ice water on me and gave me sugar-water and orange juice because she thought my blood sugar level was low (since i cant have any sugar on the medifast diet). The pains would stop for about 20 seconds and then start again… in 20 second intervals. when they would start it would trigger the dizziness, shortness of breathe, sweating, chills, and fainting symptons all over again. I basically got naked and slept in the den with the fan on high for 40 minutes. After about 3 cups of water..2 cups of sugar-water and some dates, bread and a cookie… the color came back in my face and my cramps became less severe. I have NEVER experienced anything like that before… I thought I was having a heart attack.. or an asthma attack… which I wouldn’t really know how either feels cause I’ve never had either.. It was by far the scariest experience I’ve had. Does anyone have ANY idea what that was all about?? Anything would help as I’ve been searching online and have found nothing with all those symptoms. Maybe it was too much exercise on my low-calorie diet.. maybe it was low blood pressure and glucose levels and with my menstrual cycle on top of that, it made my body go crazy… I really don’t know. Please give me any ideas you may have.Sincerely,Worried from CaliStacie..ya i threw up..but because I had not eaten anything prior to working out it was only water. And ya I had weird diarrhea the nite before and during the incident! All day today i was worried it would happen again… so i held off on working out. I totally feel what you’re going through..especially if this is a reoccuring thing for you! It was THE worst feeling. Has your doctor told you what could trigger it? or what makes it worse or better? I thought it was an asthma attack because I just couldnt breathe or move and i was turning white/blue..but i don’t know where the stomach cramps and diarrhea and vomiting come into play…
A: yes I had a problem about 10 years ago a was only eating about 300 calories a day and sometimes I would skip a day altogether I started at 330lbs lost 150 lbs in 6 months and passed out many times even brock my thumb will never do it again now I weighed 195 6feet tall and no dieting just watch what I eat I was down to 150 when I was doing it wrong I looked sickly!!!!! never had the pain though?
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