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What could be wrong if you lose your period

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A:Amenorrhea is when you do not have your menstrual periods. However if you have missed just one or a couple you might be pregnant, go check with your doctor to make sure everything in your body is working correctly. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-could-be-wrong-if-you-lose-your-period ]
More Answers to “What could be wrong if you lose your period
What could be wrong if you lose your period
Amenorrhea is when you do not have your menstrual periods. However if you have missed just one or a couple you might be pregnant, go check with your doctor to make sure everything in your body is working correctly. Thanks for using ChaCha!
What is wrong/lost period?
You appear to have a hormonal problem (thyroid hormone or increased testosterone that stimulates body hair growth). What is your current weight? you may have sleeping problems? (too much or too little). Are you training (exercise) har…
What is wrong with me? no period, mood swings, fatigue, weight ga…?
People just give her a break, if you don’t know what exactly is going on just dont go about making judgments! Just because a girl doesn’t has had her period for a year has mood swings fatigue and weight gain, doesn’t mean she is pregnant! I…

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PREGNANT? Or could something else be wrong?
Q: My last period was on november 30. In december i had what i thought was my period a few days early. however there were no pms symtoms and there was only a light bleed the first day followed by pinkish brown discharge the next and that was it. The week before i did have unprotected sex a few times and i believe it was my fertile time. w use the withdrawl method but i don’t think he did it fast enough because i was wet after. In the past few weeks i have weird feelings in my lower abdomen kind of like butterflies sometimes. i get tired very easy, headaches come and go, i notice smells more, moody,and clothes that use to be lose are now tight. I know your mind can play tricks on you but i wasn’t thinking about getting pregnant so i don’t think it could be that.Today i am having that same light bleed discharge thing again . No pms symptoms again.if i am pregnant i could be happier but i also know something else could be wrong what do you think?
A: whats wrong with doing a test that way you will know if you are or not
What could be wrong with me?
Q: I’ve missed my period twice in a row now. I should have gotten it last Saturday but I didn’t, so I haven’t had my period in like months. And in the past 2-3 weeks I have been feeling sick.No I’m not pregnant, there is no possibility of that.But what could be wrong? Should I go to a doctor or what?Also, I have lost a lot of weight in the last 7 weeks, but I’m not sure if that can affect your period and make you feel sick.. ?Thanks in advance! :)Anastasiya ♥There’s no real reason behind the weight loss. I have just been eating healthier and excersising more, but probably stress is a factor too.
A: I’m not a girl or woman so I’ve never had a period but I can tell you that extreme exercise, and stress can effect your cycle. I’m sure your fine, just chill out and try not to burn yourself out or get too buff 😉
If you lose your soul, can you ever get it back?
Q: If you ever willingfully or without knowledge end up partaking in a bad life and making all the wrong decisions and are on the highway to hell, and actually end up losing your soul entirely and completely…can you ever recover and get it back and ensure your salvation and path to heaven, or is there a point to where it’s almost impossible to get back?For example if you were Hitler…lets say years after he already did all of what he did….could you turn around and somehow regain your soul again, or …once it’s gone it’s gone and there is apoint where it’s too late?Another example is, if someone is already convinced that there is no God, are hardened in their beliefs,….and have all the reason in the world to NOt believe, can they ever possibly change?Christianity warns of not losing your soul because then you run the risk of going to hell, but…what if you DO lose your soul for a period of time in your life but then get it back?Are you still accountable for those years of being hell-bent, or are you somehow forgiven for that?What really counts, your whole life, or…the state of your soul on your death bed?
A: Before Satan began tempting mankind to sin, God told him that he could not “take” a person’s soul or their life. First, the person has to willing give up his or her soul to the Devil; i.e. devil worship wherein the person vows his or her soul to Satan and thereafter claims Satan as his or her god. Until that happens, one cannot lose one’s soul: they can stray from God’s ways but at any time he or she can ask God’s forgiveness, then go and sin no more; in effect, get back on the straight and narrow road to salvation. As for Satan’s inability to take a person’s life, God said, “I give life and I take life.” Only God has that power. As for taking life, He does so only when it is in that person’s best interest: having buried two of my own children, I completely understand the “best interest” premise. However, even after death, one has not lost one’s soul; Jesus describes the “first” death as “she is not dead, only sleeping.” An implication that there is yet hope.Is it our entire life behaviour that counts or only from the point of repentence? There is a promise God made to parents that reveals much more than most realize: “Train up a child in the ways of God and, when he is old, he will not depart from it.”Have you ever noticed that, for the most part, we sin and fall short of the glory of God in our youth. If our parents did raise us on the word of God, then as we mature we begin to see the error of our youthful days of rebellion and begin to understand the wisdoms we were taught; thus, we either elect to change lanes from self-destruction to life everlasting. There is a false teaching that has effected every Christian: suicide is an unforgivable sin. That is a lie straight out of the pits of fire and brimstone. Therefore, a person can repent on his or her death bed and will be redeemed when Christ returns. In the case of suicide, no one knows what that person was thinking as he or she slipped away: with only seconds to spare, he or she might have suddenly seen the error and asked God to forgive him or her. Ah, but what if we are not sure that loved one did not repent in the last few seconds? Jesus taught us that whatever we asked of the Father in Christ’s name, the Father will do. He did not limit that statement, rather it is a very broad statement. So, we can ask the Father to forgive our suicide loved on inasmuch as he or she knew not what they were doing; and ask for this in Christ’s Holy Name. . . Amen. The Father will do it! There is only one unforgivable sin that Jesus spoke of: “You can blaspheme me, you can blaspheme the Father, but do not blaspheme the Holy Ghost; for it is an unforgivable sin.” How does this work? Often, a lot of young people get involved in a lot of pagan things and groups and might even say, “I don’t believe in God or Jesus!” There still is hope because they haven’t denied the Holy Spirit. There are many ways in which to blaspheme the Spirit, so it would serve one well to learn everything there is to learn about this unforgivable sin. I hope and pray that I have adequately answered your questions; but, if not, I’ve listed some resources below that will answer them in total with only God’s Word. Much love in Christ,BonnieQ TSaS Sister Speaker
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