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Is that bad to not have your period

Health related question in topics Your Period .We found some answers as below for this question “Is that bad to not have your period”,you can compare them.

A:Amenorrhea (not getting your period), is not necessarily a sign that something’s wrong with you. It’s awfully convenient though. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-that-bad-to-not-have-your-period ]
More Answers to “Is that bad to not have your period
Is that bad to not have your period
Amenorrhea (not getting your period), is not necessarily a sign that something’s wrong with you. It’s awfully convenient though.
Is not Having a Regular Period Bad for You?
While not having your period each month may seem like a blessing at times, there is a drawback. In addition to not being able to predict when you’ll actually Read More…
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How bad does your period have to be before they will put you on birth control?
Q: First of all I am 15 and NOT planning on having sex this is not something I’m trying to do so I can have sex. I wouldn’t say my periods a terribly painfull I mean I have a few here and there that are really bad the only thing is I have a bad leg pain and minor cramps but only lasts for the first day but they are really long like 8-10 days. Is this normal? How bad does your period have to be before they put you on birth control
A: If your mom takes you and asks for it, they will do it. Or if you go to health department and get exam, they will give it to you. It will get better as you get older. I used to be in bed for days.
Is it bad if your period skips months at a time but your not pregnant?
Q: my friends period has been M.I.A. up to 6 months at a time. I keep telling her to go to the doctor but she is scared that her mother will find out she has already lost her virginty. Is this health threating to her or to her future plans to have children.She has only had sex once and she is a normal weight(130, 5’7).
A: Listen, dear.I had the same problem my whole life. This is a normal thing. BUT!!!>>> it will eventually lead to endemetriosis if you are missing a period for more than 3 months! So SHE IS IN TROUBLE if she doesn’t go and get herself a pap smear. Her mother DOES NOT have to find out. Your friend can call the health department in your town and set up an appointment to get a pap smear for free and LEGALLY if she doesn’t want her mom to know, they CAN NOT tell her.Your friend needs pap smears, and she needs to get on birth control to regulate her periods.Periods Missing In Action for more than 3 months can lead to the development of endometriosis, a serious female reproductive problem, that can cause her to never be able to have kids. This is a fact.That is why the health department is available for situations like this, because your health is more important than you worrying about getting in trouble with your mom.Tell her to call the health department in your town and scheudle immediately.
Is it bad to get your period every month?
Q: All of my friends skip cycles, but I get my period every month and it has always been that way. I’ve had it for about 1 1/2 but all my friends skip months. Is it bad that I had it every month, or is it bad to not have it every month?
A: It’s a GOOD thing you have it every month.The average cycle is 28 days but it’s only an average. Most people don’t get “steady” cycles during the first few years of their period, I myself I didn’t started getting it “steadily” until my 6th year. Consider yourself lucky, it’s what all girls want because if you tend to skip cycles, you have no idea when it’ll come next time and can’t be prepared. As for you, since it comes every month, you can be more prepared. Trust me there is nothing bad about it coming every month. By the way, sometimes girls skip cycles even after it’s become steady if they are under great pressure or grief. Mine didn’t come on time when my dad passed away.
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