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What are Weight Watchers Smart Points

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With Weight Watchers, every food has a Points value, based on its calories, fat and fiber. The Momentum program uses Points values to help you keep track of what you eat. You stay within a Points “budget” that’s personalized just for you. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-weight-watchers-smart-points ]
More Answers to “What are Weight Watchers Smart Points
What are Weight Watchers Smart Points
With Weight Watchers, every food has a Points value, based on its calories, fat and fiber. The Momentum program uses Points values to help you keep track of what you eat. You stay within a Points “budget” that’s personalized just …
Why do Weight Watcher Activity Points not correspond to the same …?
Calories burned by your body are the same as food calories. Activity points and food points, however, are a little different. Food points, of course, are based on fat, fiber, and calories. So 100 food calories could be 1, 2, or 3 points, de…
Are weight watchers smart ones for losing weight?
The smart ones meals are not necessarily ‘diet’ food, but are correctly portioned for people that are doing WW so that they can accurately keep track of how many WW points they are eating. They can be eaten by anyone but unless you are trac…

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How many weight watchers points in a cup of Kellogg’s Smart Start?
Q: I live in France and we don’t have Smart Starts here, so it is not in my points or shopping lists. Please help me to figure out what I can eat. thanks.
A: Kellogg’s Smart Start antioxidant 1cup= 3POINTSSmart Start Cinnamon Raisin 1cup= 3POINTSSmart Start Healthy Heart 1 3/4cup=4POINTSSmart Start Maple & Brown Sugar 1 3/4cup= 4POINTS
Why do Weight Watcher Activity Points not correspond to the same formula as the Smart Points?
Q: I have been wrestling with this question and it is a running feud in our family…if I burn 400 calories as indicated on the elliptical machine, why does that correspond to 5 activity points (I weigh 210, exerside 30 minutes at high intensity), instead of 8 points, which is what 400 calories corresponds to when calculating smart points? Is it because not all the ‘calorie’ burned on the machine actually corresponds to food calories in your body?Please anyone who can help answer this running query would be greatly appreciated!!!
A: Calories burned by your body are the same as food calories. Activity points and food points, however, are a little different. Food points, of course, are based on fat, fiber, and calories. So 100 food calories could be 1, 2, or 3 points, depending on how much or little fat and fiber was in the food.Activity points fall in smaller range. As a general rule, for every 100 calories a machine says you burn, you have earned 1 activity point. By having activity points in a smaller range, Weight Watchers helps you lose more weight, even when you trade your activity points for more food. Since burning 100 calories on a machine will earn you 1 point, you will either have to choose a food with 100 calories, 0 fat, and 4 fiber, or you will have to choose a lower calorie food. Therefore, you body is still burning more calories than you are eating.
Weight loss with with weight watchers?! point system?
Q: I am two weeks postpartum from delievering my son, and I am ready to start on the weight loss road! however I am not sure about what works best, I have decided to do the weight watchers meals, the smart ones from the store, and I plan to start walking two miles a day, I dont want to attend the meetings or anything, because they are expensive, and far from my home so does anyone know the point system for the program or where I could find out what my points guidelines would be! I am 5’9 and 220! any other weight loss ideas would also be welcomed! thanks
A: the new program is a calculation now – so you can figure it out for yourself!!male – 8 ptsfemale – 2 ptsnursing mom – 12 ptsage:17-26 – 4 pts27-37 – 3 pts38-47 – 2 pts48-58 – 1 ptover 58 – 0 ptsuse the first 2 digits of your weight – for example – if you weigh 175 then use 17 ptsif you spend most of your day:sitting down – 0 ptsoccasionaly sitting but mostly standing – 1 ptwalking most of the time – 2 ptsdoing physical work most of the time – 3 ptsadd all your numbers up and you get your daily points allowance! :)you also get an additional 35 points to use through out the week however you want – you can use them all at once or spread them out over the week :)~fb
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