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What causes abdominal pain when pregnant

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes abdominal pain when pregnant”,you can compare them.

A:Round ligament stretching will cause minor or even moderate pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-abdominal-pain-when-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What causes abdominal pain when pregnant
Does pregnancy cause abdominal pain
Some short-term achiness in the belly is normal during pregnancy. Severe cramping or pain never is. If severe call doctor ASAP!
Can being pregnant cause abdominal pain during intercourse??
quite possible yes, it normaly isnt a big deal but anything you are unsure about consult a doctor
How Common are these Causes of Abdominal Pain in Pregnancy??
This information refers to the general prevalence and incidence of these diseases, not to how likely they are to be the actual cause of Abdominal Pain in Pregnancy. Of the 42 causes of Abdominal Pain in Pregnancy that we have listed, we hav…

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Q: I have upper abdominal pain for 2hours now its sore when I move and uncomfortable. Has anyone else had this what could it be?the pain is at the top of my stomach in the middle of my breasts but under them.
A: Is it close to your ribs and on the left side? That’s where it was for me and I thought something was wrong. Apparently it was just gas, it moves to a different spot when you are pregnant.Yeah, I think that’s gas (or heartburn). Try taking some tums and see if that helps. If not, give a call to a doctor on call to see what they say.
abdominal pain and lower back pain when pregnant?
Q: I am only two mo. but off and on I have been havin some pain. It does go away after layin down but, what could causes it?? I go to my first apt. May 7, 2008 . I don’t know if I should wait till then. I may just call but, I am kind of scared. I have lost two in the past but, I do have my handsome 1yr Collin.
A: Hi Collin’s mommy. Firstly, try not to worry as abdo pain is very common at this stage in pregnancy and is usually something as simple as your ligaments softening or your uterus growing or quite simply your body adjusting to pregnancy. Lower back ache can be a sign of urine infection, which unfortunately pregnant women are prone to. Is the back ache around your kidney area? Your midwife would be able to tell if it was urine infection by doing a simple urine test, you might need antibiotics. You should increase your fluid intake and if you can, try and drink cranberry juice as research has shown it’s really effective in helping and preventing urine infections. hope this helps
Im 6 weeks pregnant (first baby) and have upper left abdominal pain? what can be causing it?
Q: The pain just started today when I woke up in the morning. The stabbing pain is in UPPER LEFT ABDOMEN (near my belly button). The pain lasts 2 seconds and always comes back in 10 mins upto an hour. It is very uncomfortable. Is this something I need to worry about?
A: its okayyyou dont need to worryi had this exact same thing! its something that comes with pregnancyits nothing to worry about though it can go on for up to 4 weeksCONGRATULATIONS!
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