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What does it mean when you have lower abdominal pains

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “What does it mean when you have lower abdominal pains”,you can compare them.

A:The most common causes are a urinary disorder such as a bladder or kidney problem, a bowel problem or a condition involving the reproductive system – the uterus, Fallopian tubes and ovaries.Have a ChaCha Day! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-when-you-have-lower-abdominal-pains ]
More Answers to “What does it mean when you have lower abdominal pains
If you are female it may be period pains but that is only a guess.
The most common causes are a urinary disorder such as a bladder or kidney problem, a bowel problem or a condition involving the reproductive system – the uterus, Fallopian tubes and ovaries.Have a ChaCha Day!
It sounds more like your body is getting ready for a period. It is not uncommon to spot the day before your period starts. Occasionally nausea,swollen breast and lower abdomen pain can be associated with a menstrual cycle.

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A: Hi, I have had the same problema nd so has my mother. We have endometriosis. Its not a disease or anything its just passed down through women in generations. Its just endometrial tissue that grows outside of your uterus. About 75% of women get it. You never know you have it usually. It can be taken out. Nothing to worry about really unless it keeps happening bad like that. During sex you can also have pain in you rlower abdomen. Here are some sites that may help you. Hope I could help. Contact me by email if you need more info.
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A: You should probably see a doctor about this pain.You obviously need some advice about pain relief.Depending on the cause you might need some antibiotics.This sort of pain could be due to a number of conditions:complications of pregnancy- ectopic pregnancy- ovarian cystherniainfections- urinary- vaginal- pelvic inflammatory disease- gastroenteritis- diverticulitisskin conditions- eczema- shingles- skin infections (sebaceous cyst, boils, cellulitis, erysipelas)
Lower abdominal.. what does it mean?
Q: What does it mean if you have lower abdominal pains, when your not coming on your period or not on your period and do any of you get them?x
A: Lower abdominal pain can be as a result of gas that has built up (an example only). It can also be an indication of ovulation depending on where you are in your cycle (another example only).The only way to know for sure is to see your doctor for further evaluation of the situation to see what they say.
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