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What causes left lower abdominal pain

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain Lower Left .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes left lower abdominal pain”,you can compare them.

A:A lot of things can cause it from Constipation, Lactose Intolerance, UTI, Ulcerative Colitis, Colon Polyps. ChaCha On! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-left-lower-abdominal-pain ]
More Answers to “What causes left lower abdominal pain
This could be coming from the intestines. If you’ve been constipated that will definitely cause you pain . If you’ve eaten food that your body cannot digest that will cause pain. Sometimes it can be an obstruction in the intestines. Have a …
A lot of things can cause it from Constipation, Lactose Intolerance, UTI, Ulcerative Colitis, Colon Polyps. ChaCha On!
The pain is on the left side in front of the abdomen.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What causes left lower abdominal pain?
Q: Pain is in the front left side of lower abdominal.
A: This could be coming from the intestines. If you’ve been constipated that will definitely cause you pain . If you’ve eaten food that your body cannot digest that will cause pain. Sometimes it can be an obstruction in the intestines. Have a checkup with your medical doctor as soon as possible.
What could cause left lower abdominal pain while having sex?
Q: I had a baby 7 months ago but everything has been fine with the sex….Last night it hurt there while we were making love. What could cause this? I am pretty sure I am not pregnant.
A: I’m not sure about this but maybe he went to far up or something else consult with your physician
I have a question about my lower left abdominal pain?
Q: Hello, i am a 19 yr old young man that has always been decently healthy. I am 5 foot 10 inches and around 160 pounds. For about the last 6 months i have has some weird abdominal pain, It started out with an ache or pulled muscle type feeling (NOT CRAMPS) and from time to time it would go away for a week and them come back for a couple weeks then go away again. Went to the doctors and had a Upper GI and a Lower endoscopy done. They found nothing. I feel like the doctors think i am over reacting but its kinda scary cause now it feels like a dull feeling almost like something inside my stumic. The doctors said i shouldent be worried cause if it was cancer it would have killed me by now. But what should i do would a MRI or CT scan help cause maybe its not in the stumic but on the outside. So idk what should i do?
A: It sounds like you might have appendicitis. A CT scan can help see if you actually have it or not.
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