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What could be upper stomach abdominal pain

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “What could be upper stomach abdominal pain”,you can compare them.

A:Pain from the gallbladder typically is felt in the right upper abdomen where the gallbladder is located. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-could-be-upper-stomach-abdominal-pain ]
More Answers to “What could be upper stomach abdominal pain
What could be upper stomach abdominal pain
Pain from the gallbladder typically is felt in the right upper abdomen where the gallbladder is located. ChaCha!
I have really bad stomach cramps in upper ab area…what could it…?
This sounds like either indigestion, food poisoning, too much fruit all at once or perhaps eating something that just doesn’t agree with you- maybe even just eating a little too much. You are probably quite sensitive being pregnant. This do…
Why do I have upper stomach cramps?
If it is in your left upper side, then it would be acid reflux. The general guideline is 3 hours to digest, so if you are under that time then the contents are generally in your stomach still. This helps you narrow down the problem. If you …

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Severe abdominal pain. Upper stomach into my chest, 2 -3 times/day.Stool has went black. Thoughts?
Q: perfect now that i managed to try and cram everthing in 110 characters. yesterday i had severe abdominal pain throughout the day. 4 attacks total. i went to the docs at the 3rd one to be told that my stomach is shaped funny and they gave me a daily antacid to take. took one last night, had another attack, took one this morning to begin my daily routine. i was great during the day however am having another attack tonight. not as bad as yesterdays, but the cure tonight seemed to be wretching in the toilet until i felt better. nothing but mucus and spit came out. also my stool has gone black. would the antacid perscribed cause this? or could the black stool actually be a symptom that’s key to my real problem? anyone else have this happen to them? what did you have to do? i’m going to schedule an appointment with my family doctor however i am curious about other peoples thoughts. thanksFor anyone else who may have these symptoms it turned out to be a stomach full of gall stones. I ended up in emergency last night for the evening and got that for an answer this morning
A: Could be a side effect, but I’d get it chekced out asap, just in case. I agree with Blazer. He’s given correct info.
Upper middle abdominal pain and protruding????? ANY DOCTORS KNOW WHAT THIS COULD BE?
Q: My dad has been feeling sick for the last couple days. He’s having stomach pain and doesn’t feel well especially after he eats. His upper center stomach is also protruding. It looks like he put about five pounds on instantly. He always procrastonates with going to a doctor or hospital but says he will go if it keeps up. Does anyone know what this could possibly be????
A: Hernia, possibly paraumbilical or ventral.He must go to a doctor, not an option.Good luck!
Right Side Upper Stomach Pain?
Q: Right side upper abdominal pain that sometimes makes sever shooting pains down the right side of my stomach to about my belly button. I have already had my Gallbladder about in May, its been hurting for the past couple months cant go to dr cuz im poor and no health insurance and would really like to know what it could be so i could maybe only do one dr visit and ask him and waste less money ya know thx
A: There are several possible reasons for your continued pain and discomfort. I completely understand your financial situation, but the fact of the matter is that on your own there’s very little you can do. Quite possibly, the reason for the pain is a small gall stone has become lodged in your common bile duct—-this is not uncommon, and in no way does it indicate nor suggest a “botched surgery”, it just happens. That’s one possibility, another is that there may be some pancreatic involvement; but whatever the reason there’s no way of treating it at home. Work out a payment plan with your physician–or if you absolutely must, go to the Emergency Room. There they will assess the problem and make a clinical diagnosis by running several diagnostic tests–and advise you on ALL of your options.I wish you all the best.
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