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What is best for sharp stabbing abdominal pain

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A:That depends on what is causing it. If gas, you need an antacid. If cramps, you need Midol. If on the right side of abdomen, you need a doctor. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-best-for-sharp-stabbing-abdominal-pain ]
More Answers to “What is best for sharp stabbing abdominal pain
What is best for sharp stabbing abdominal pain
That depends on what is causing it. If gas, you need an antacid. If cramps, you need Midol. If on the right side of abdomen, you need a doctor. Thanks for using ChaCha!

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Abdominal Pain please help?
Q: Ok I’ll start this by saying. I have been to atleaste 6 doctors about my pain. Now I will describe the tests I have had and what the doctors have told me. I have had a CT scan and MRI. Both results came back with nothing. Everything looks normal and functioning well. I’ve been to two abdominal speacialist and several doctors. Here are my symptoms. I get a pain in my belly button feels like a needle or sometimes a knife being stabbed into it. The pain is sharp sometimes it is dull or bruise like feeling. The bruising pain is above my belly button. The sharp stabbing pain is in the center and right below my belly button. Sometimes the pain will shoot from my belly button to the head of my penis. I noticed this 3 to 4 yrs. ago. I lifted some boxes and when I stood upright with boxes in hand it felt like a needle had been stabbed in the center of my belly and the more upright I stood the worse it hurt. So I stayed hunched until I was able to stand up straight. Several months go by and no pain. Did some heavy lifting with some bricks a lot of bending down and standing up and a lot of side to side twisting motion when passing bricks down an assembly line of workers. No pain worked a 10hr. day, went home took shower, sat on couch, sat there for about 30 min went to get up and that pain in belly button was there but this time more intense pain and I could not stand up straight. When I did force myself to stand up stright the pain increased and I felt it shoot down to the head of my penis. If I sit down with my back hunched forward for more than 30 min. the pain in my belly button starts. I restacked my wood pile a few weeks ago. Took my time and made sure not to pick up more that 10lbs of wood at a time. No pain during this, got done mom came over and we went outside and sat at the table for about 30 to 45 min. When I went to stand up there it is again. The more I tried to strighten up the more the pain hurts. Not all the time does it shoot to the head of my penis but often enough. The pain in my belly button is more intense then the pain in the head of my penis. I was told that I may have a rare medical condition that when my umbilical cord was formed there is a tendon or ligament that is attached to my belly and penis. Over time of me growing it has not and is been strained. One doc said it will tear away over time the other doc who said this same thing said nothing about it tearing away. Both were abdominal speacialists. To get the pain to go away I just force my self to lay on my back and hours later it finally goes away. I feel the best when I have slept and gotten up. I feel a pinch like pain during the day right below my belly button everyday it seems. But I just blow it off ofcorse until I do something that makes the pinch turn into the above pain as described. I can’t play my wii fit boxing for more than 30 min. or later I will be hurting. Sorry this is so long I just want to be as thorough as possible about this problem. When this pain is severe to where I cannot stand up right it hurts worse when I poop. The pooping does not releave the pain afterwads.I played football and ran track in school and continued to work out after I graduated. Never had this problem till that day I lifted those boxes. I was 24 or 25 then. I am now 28. I am a small guy 5ft 3 inches tall and have no other health problems. I weigh about 103 to 105 have been this size since I was 18. It is loud where I work so I have to speak with a loud voice for people to hear me. If I talk loud for around 15 min the pain flares up in my belly button. Also I cannot lay on my stomache for more than 15 to 30 minutes or the pain will flare up and shoot down to my penis. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Sorry for being so long. THanks for all advice and info God bless to you all.
A: Sounds more like a neurological disorder to me, you may want to consult with a neurologist. It may be as simple as a pinched nerve.
Lower right/left side abdominal pain?!—-Help Please!! :(?
Q: Okay so I am 12 years old and about 4-5 months back I had very severe pain in my abdomen. In the early stages, it started from the belly. Then it went to the right side and to the left side. It was like a sharp stabbing pain. The doctor couldnt understand what the problem was and therefore he gave me BuscoPan to reduce the pain. I have visited about 10-12 doctors and none of them can distinguish the pain. Some say it is appendicits, ovarian cyst, a cyst in the kidney, bladder cyst, urinal infection, gaseous loops etc.The pain had vanished for about 2 months. It has come back now. I could feel it yesterday, it was there for 2-4 mins and then went again. My urine color is normal. I have my periods normal. And also when i have the pain, I get my urine too quick. What could this be?! Please help me. Thankyou so much. Best answer = 20 points. :)I dont know if this is something related to it but I usually find urine on my underwear. Like if im sitting, I wouldn’t feel it, but when I go to the washroom my u/w is full of urine. :s
A: I have had very similar problems in the passed. I had pain coming from the left and right side of my lower stomach area. I thought it was my liver or kidneys, or something like that. It ends up that your intestinal tract runs all around your body, and the reason the pain is “off and on” is probably largely due to what you are eating. If you are not very active that could lead to this problem. Soda, junk food, fast food, and a lack of roughage in your diet can lead to common problems with the symptoms you describe. Try to stretch the area out, suck your belly in and out as many times as you can, and try to exercise and eat better. I know you are probably not thrilled with having to do this, but it will seriously help you.
Dizziness/weakness/sickness/heavy head?
Q: Hello.I am a 21 year old female, mother of one (7month old baby boy).In short…I woke up one day, 2years ago now, feeling extremely dizzy and sick. Having suffered for a week or so, I went to the doctor who gave me tablets for vertigo. These did absolutely nothing so i went back. Since then, I have been to the doctors at least 3times a month, every month, for the past 2years. The best way to describe my symptoms is for me to list them…:- Dizziness – sort of imbalanced, feel as though the floor is rocking (like a boat) 24/7- Nausea – more so when the dizziness is really bad. This is really hard to live with as feeling sick is not nice for just one day, i have this feeling every single day for 2years straight.- Heavy neck – My head feels too heavy for my body. Very uncomfortable.- Feeling of a swollen throat – although my throat doesnt look swollen, it feels as if it is inside. also a feeling of having something trapped in throat very low down. no problems swallowing though.- Tired – my whole body aches daily. I feek as though i hardly sleep yet i get at least 8 hours a night!- Weakness – On most days I can barely move. I struggle to simply lift a fork to my mouth to eat. – Abdominal pains – very low in abdo (womb area) and high in abdo (beneath ribs). these pains are very sharp almost stabbing like.This is really getting me down. I have tried going to the doctors for help yet they seem to be coming up with nothing at all. They have referred me for an MRI of the head and cervical spine, which, after a ridiculous 10weeks! came back as normal. I had an ultrasound scan to check for goulstones back in April of 2008, again a normal result. I have had numerous blood tests (by which i mean approx. one a month). Up until 8 – 10 weeks ago there was never an abnormality in my results, however, the last 3 blood tests have shown wht my doctors call an ‘inflammatory marker’ as being abnormal. when i ask my doc what that means they simply say that it shows that i have an infection or inflammation somewhere in my body – then send me home with nothing. I believe that the ‘inflammatory marker’ does not have much to do with it as this has only been present for 8-10weeks yet I have been unwell for around 2years! This illness is so bad that most days I spend laying down due to the overwhelming dizziness i feel. I have not left the house on my own since this problem started. I am also unable to do simple things such as holding my little boy due to the weakness that i feel. many times my partner has had to help steady me to walk to the bathroom it is that bad. I DO tel my doctors this, (i have seen 7 different GPs, 4 a&e doctors, various consultants and 3 or 4 nurses), yet they still send me home with no answers and no treatment. Sorry for the long post, I would be grateful for any suggestions as to what this could be? Thank you in advance for any replies x
A: Have them check for lyme disease. I have the same symptoms , sometimes I need a walker to walk. Not very often anymore, thank goodness. I saw a thing on tv on lyme and asked my doctor to test for it and sure enough it came back positive. I have no recollection of being bit by a tick. Most doctors wont even want to test for it because there is so much controversy and even if they do, so many people test negative even thoug they have it. Search lyme disease and go to the ILADS website, also look up the movie under our skin. Good luck to you!
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