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What is a causes of of sudden onset severe abdominal pain

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A:# Gastroenteritis # Incarcerated hernia (type of Hernia) # Urinary tract infection # Renal colic # Appendicitis [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-causes-of-of-sudden-onset-severe-abdominal-pain ]
More Answers to “What is a causes of of sudden onset severe abdominal pain
What is a causes of of sudden onset severe abdominal pain
# Gastroenteritis # Incarcerated hernia (type of Hernia) # Urinary tract infection # Renal colic # Appendicitis

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Q: My partner has just had a sudden onset of severe abdominal cramping (middle abdominal) and some vomiting.The pain is so bad he cant stand. He doesnt have a headache nor has he had diorroeha.He was fine all day and then the pain just started.Does anyone know what could be wrong? I havent seen him in this much pain before…..Would anyone know what could possibly be wrong?
A: this could be anything,please go to the nearest hospital!im just guessing,but pain in the centre of abdomen is where the small intestine is.your partner takes any medication for any health problems?i know someone who was taking Lipitor and developed pancreatitis.some people also get pancreatitis for no apparent reason.if the pain is really sharp, maybe blocked/twisted bowels or appendicitis?all these things need immediate help:go to the hospital.
I asked in anotyher section but didn’t get any good answers?
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A: U def need to switch docs.. U cant have a trusting relationship with him if ur opinions are so controversal, get a second opinion hunnie
gall bladder symptoms but normal test?
Q: Since November I have had what all my doctors believed was gall bladder pain. The only test they could run at the time was an ultrasound because I was pregnant. I had my baby on the 1st of this month and had the HIDA scan done last week. Today I went in for the results and he says it was normal. My symptoms include severe upper abdominal pain, burning pain in stomach, nausea, vomiting (sometimes of green bile), diarrhea, abdominal tenderness under the rib cage. Sudden onset of symptoms occurs 10 to 20 minutes after eating or after going a long time without eating. Foods I can no longer eat without being in excruciating pain include milk, cheeseburgers, spicy food, and dairy foods. My doctor refuses to remove the gall bladder even though by his own opinion my symptoms are indicitive of gall bladder disease. I don’t understand. What else other than the gall bladder could be causing this. I haven’t eaten hardly anything in three weeks. I even had to stop breastfeeding because I can’t eat enough to make enough milk for him. I just feel hopeless now.the u/s revealed sludge around the GB
A: you should try a different opionion or a differect doctor.
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