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What would cause abdominal pain that feels like it burns

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “What would cause abdominal pain that feels like it burns”,you can compare them.

A:Acid flowing backward from the stomach up into the throat. It affects 20 percent of adults at least once a week. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-would-cause-abdominal-pain-that-feels-like-it-burns ]
More Answers to “What would cause abdominal pain that feels like it burns
What would cause abdominal pain that feels like it burns
Acid flowing backward from the stomach up into the throat. It affects 20 percent of adults at least once a week. ChaCha again!

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A: If not gallbladder, sounds like pancreatitis. Any alcohol consumption in your life before this started? Inflamed liver perhaps.You might try going on a very strict diet of mostly veggies for a bit to discover if you can straighten out what sounds like a toxic issue. And no processed food. Need to cook stuff from scratch. H20 only for a bit.And if you are really painfully motivated, give meat the boot in exchange for protein powder.No alcohol of course. I’d say a week or two ought to get you going again.
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A: Wow. It sounds like you’re going through alot.Firstly, if you don’t mind me saying, i suggest you dump your girlfriend. You are in an abusive relationship that you need to get out of as soon as possible. She is bringing you down and hurting you and this is not right.Secondly, your body’s problems can affect your mood more than you may realise. Keeping healthy sleeping habits, maintaining the right diet, and getting plenty of exercise can help with your mood. If you are already doing all this (though i can’t imagine you being able to with that girlfriend of yours), you may need to see a doctor about your feelings.I’m thinking that when and if you get rid of your girlfriend, things will get much better for you. But if they don’t seeing a doctor about your depression would be a good idea.I wish you luck with your situation.
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