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What is primary amenorrhea

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A:Primary Amenorrhea Function: noun : Amenorrhea in which menstruation has not yet occurred by age 16. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-primary-amenorrhea ]
More Answers to “What is primary amenorrhea
n. Amenorrhea in which menstruation has never occurred.
Primary amenorrhea refers to not having a menstrual period at the age of puberty.
Brief description of Primary amenorrhea: Never starting menstruation at puberty Parent types of Primary amenorrhea: Amenorrhea

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can doctors prescribe the birth control pill for women with primary amenorrhea?
Q: I’m 17 and I’ve never had a period, so I’m in the primary amenorrhea category. Thing is, I’m getting worried about it and I’ve been to the doctors (they’ve already run blood tests and now they’re going to send me to a gyno) but what I was wondering was could they prescribe the pill for me to ‘kick start’ my periods? Are there any instances in where the pill is used to stop amenorrhea?Please help!
A: Those are questions you need to ask your gynecologist when you go. Make a list and make sure all your questions are answered.
What causes primary amenorrhea in women?
Q: This amenorrhea is accompanied by hirsutism although there appears to be normal development of everything else. Does not look like cushings syndrone.
A: The hirsutism makes me suspect PCOS. PCOS is a health problem that can affect a woman’s menstrual cycle, fertility, hormones, insulin production, heart, blood vessels, and appearance. Women with PCOS have these characteristics: high levels of male hormones, also called androgens an irregular or no menstrual cycle may or may not have many small cysts in their ovaries. Cysts are fluid-filled sacs. PCOS is the most common hormonal reproductive problem in women of childbearing age. Please see your OB/GYN or endocrinologist to find out what could be causing the ammenorrhea.
what are some possible causes and treatment of primary amenorrhea?
Q: My cousin is 19yrs and never had a period, she appears healthy other wise. The gynecologist did a pap smear, ulta sound and even genetic test but cant seem to find a cause. We are all perplexed
A: It sounds like she has primary ovarian failure. She could check out the book and web page here: http://www.earlymenopause.com/That might be helpful. They talk in detail about causes and treatment. Unfortunately, I don’t think they can figure it out in most cases. I recommend she see Dr. Michael Heard in Texas http://www.houstonrei.org/about_us.php or Dr. Nanette Santoro in New York http://www.revolutionhealth.com/articles/nanette-santoro-m.d./article.2006-11-27.4097812445 They’re both experts in premature ovarian failure and can help your cousin to get on the right hormone regimen and maybe also figure out why she has this. It’s really important to get on the right hormone regimen–there are major health risks of never having a period, as ovarian hormones are necessary for brain, heart, and bone health! (see: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/544956 for more information). She also might not feel well unless she has the right hormones.She can get support here: http://www.pofsupport.org/And the NIH runs a study on women with POF. If she goes there, she can get top care, free, and get all the testing necessary to help figure out what caused this (see: http://pof.nichd.nih.gov/)Good luck!
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