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What are some healthy things to eat to help you lose weight

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Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. They’ll help fill you up without adding a lot of calories. Whole grains are also great for helping you lose weight! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-healthy-things-to-eat-to-help-you-lose-weight ]
More Answers to “What are some healthy things to eat to help you lose weight
What are some healthy things to eat to help you lose weight?
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. They’ll help fill you up without adding a lot of calories. Whole grains are also great for helping you lose weight!

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Q: I want to make my doctor and myself happy, since I’m self conscience and hate it. I’ve been trying to eat properly and exercise at least 45 minutes a day, but I just slack off.I’m 13, 5’3″, and 138, but want to get to be at least 120 by August, and I want to do it as healthy and steady as possible. Basically I need a list of good foods to have as snacks and lunch (I’m not worried about Breakfast and Dinner) and what things 13 year olds usually have that I should avoid. I would also like to find good ways of curbing my appetite, since I have a hard time with that (and sadly I can’t do the 4-5 meal thing), besides drinking water and chewing gum.For exercise, I don’t have any exercise equipment at all, but I need good exercises (or things like push ups and sit ups) that can help tone my thighs, butt, stomach, and arms. If you could say those things, how long should I do them for, or how many should I do?Thanks to anyone who helps. 🙂
A: Your best bet is to let go of the deadline and focus on good habits and healthy ways of using food and making nutritious choices.I say this as an experience dietitian. Most girls who start trying to lose weight at an age as young as 13 FREQUENTLY develop worse problems later if they let themselves get hung up on a number or a date.Would you consider seeing a Registered Dietitian? Most hospitals and cities have several dietitians that can sit down with you and help you develop some ideas for eating/exercise that are right for you and your tastes.But in the meantime I would focus on those *boring* things like fruits and veggies. We all know we should eat more…but most of us do NOT eat as much as we need.Aim for three servings of veggies a dayAim for three servings of fruit a day.A serving of veggies is 1/2 cup cooked vegetables or 1 cup raw vegetablesA serving of fruit is 1/2 cup canned fruit or 1 medium sized fruit or 1 cup melonor 1 cup strawberriesor 1/2 cup grapesor small bananaIf you do these things you would be off to a great start!Next start paying attention to your hunger. Hunger should be a feeling in your stomach…like it’s empty, rumbling, making noises and HUNGRY. When you are hungry your body needs food…so be sure not to ignore that or else you’ll have problems later not recognizing the difference between hunger and cravings.Also start paying attention to when your hunger is satisfied. There’s a point in eating where you no longer feel hungry and your belly feels comfortable…that is your body telling you it does not need any more food. Listen/feel for that feeling of satisfaction so you know your body is done.When you just WANT a certain food or just WANT to eat but are not hungry…ask yourself what you really need and try to fix that. If you are wanting food cuz you are bored…find something that fun to do. If you are wanting to eat because you are stressed…do something to make you feel better and calm. If you are wanting to eat cuz you are sad…talk to a friend or write in a journal or read something funny to cheer you up.Many people eat to deal with stress/boredom or sadness instead of actually doing something about those feelings.So eat more fruits/veggies, learn to pay attention to what your tummy is telling you, and deal with your feelings in ways that actually help and you will do great and soon not have to worry so much about food.As far as exercise…walking for 30 minutes a day is AWESOME. Walk up hill if you have hills once in a while. Work up to 45-60 minute walk a few times a week. If you have a bike, ride your bike instead.Do sit-ups every other day…as many as you can do in 1 minute–don’t try to be FAST…just do them at a nice pace.Do push-ups every other day…as many as you can do three times in a row.Look up how to do a “walking lunge” or “lunges” for your butt and thighs…do those every other day…as many as you can do slowly for 1 minute.Good luck and make your exercise fun!
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Q: If you’re involuntarily losing weight rapidly (meaning you’re not trying to lose weight on purpose, but the pounds just drop), what are some things you can eat that will help you put weight back on in a healthy way?
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