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When does abdominal pain occur in pregnancy

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “When does abdominal pain occur in pregnancy”,you can compare them.

A:If you experience abdominal pain/cramping with spotting, bleeding, fever, chills, vaginal discharge, faintness, discomfort MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-does-abdominal-pain-occur-in-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “When does abdominal pain occur in pregnancy
When does abdominal pain occur in pregnancy
If you experience abdominal pain/cramping with spotting, bleeding, fever, chills, vaginal discharge, faintness, discomfort MORE
Is abdominal pain a sign of pregnancy?
not all abdominal pain is a sign of pregnancy it could be signs of some other medical reason if you are unsure you should speak with your doctor especially if you are having severe pain on a regular basis
Is abdominal pain a symptom of pregnancy?
Abdominal Pain as a Symptom Stomach pain can be a symptom of many things, including pregnancy. Here are opinions and advice from FAQ Farmers: ・ Don’t think that it’s the baby kicking or something, usually with pregnancy it’s merely gas. Don…

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When are the first symptoms of pregnancy?
Q: I am trying to get pregnant and i had sex 3 days ago on a fertile day… What are the first symptoms? When do they occur? Can you get symptoms before your missed period? What are the symptoms? Also i am having a slight pain in my abdominal area on my right side.. could it deal with pregnancy after 3 days? Thanks in advance for the answers.
A: you dont start seeing signs until after implantation which is when it all begins.If conception occurred, implantation (when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall) typically happens seven to ten days after ovulation, but it can happen a few days earlier or later as well. so its not possible to see anything until after this time like7 – 10 days after ovulation spotting, higher temperatures, breast tenderness, frequent urination, nausea,etc.
Pregnancy and stress?
Q: I am almost 23 weeks pregnant and going through a really stressful time at work on most days. On days when I am stressed, I find that I am getting back pain and some abdominal pains, but these only occur during stressful times. My blood pressure has been fine, but I am sure in the coming months it will not remain this way if I continue to be stressed out. Is the stress causing these aches and has anyone experienced this? What did you do?
A: well the aches may just be normal…if you’re working at a job where you sit down you may need to get up every once in awhile and take a stroll…if you’re standing you will need to take a break every now and then and have a seat…but everyday stress hasnt been proven to harm the baby…but when things stress you out breathe and relax…remember that you’re pregnant and it causes everything to get to you
breast and stomach pain… Am I Pregnant?
Q: two weeks ago i had sex with my partner, and when he ejaculated the condom has slipped off and it was inside me for a few seconds. I am not on the pill anymore, so i wasnt really protected. Then the second time we had sex that night we did not use any protection, but he did not ejaculate inside me. I did take the morning after pill just in case i think on the 3rd day, when its only about 60% effective. When i went to doctors to get that pill, she said that its not very likely that I am pregnant because i had sex the day after my period and the chances to get pregnant then are smaller than in the middle of the cycle. However, i have no idea why, but i feel this weird abdominal pain, my breasts hurt, i have pretty much lost the appetite, and i do not feel very well. I started feeling like this about 4 or 5 days ago, so more than a week after we ve had sex. Im not sure how likely i am to be pregnant! I also read today, on the leaflet that was inside the morning after pill packaging that the symptoms im showing might occur after taking the morning after pill, however they should occur straight after taking the pill and wouldnt last more than a few days…my period is not due untill in next 2 weeks time, so i dont think i can take a pregnancy test as it wont be really accurate! i know the symptoms i have occur in some girls before their period and are quite common and normal, but i never feel this way before my period? My breasts have never hurt before and so on,,,i just want to know what u think of this situation? ami likely to be pregnant? i am getting really paranoid x
A: You wont want to hear this – but I conceived the day after my period!However – the chances of conceiving then are lower, you took the morning after pill which drops the chances even more – and the fact you are feeling like this so soon (before a fertilised egg would have had a chance to implant into the lining of your womb) would suggest that the chances are slim. I had nausea 14 days after conception but I am fairly confident that was implantation – other symptoms didnt start until a week (so 3 weeks after sex) after that….Unfortunately though, there is always the possibility of becoming pregnant when protection hasnt been used and you may have to wait until you get your period (or do a test if you are late) until you know 100% . I hope it turns out as you want it to x
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