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Why is there abdominal pain on ovulation

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “Why is there abdominal pain on ovulation”,you can compare them.

A:The pain is located in the pelvic and lower abdominal when associated with ovulation. ChaCha over and out! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-there-abdominal-pain-on-ovulation ]
More Answers to “Why is there abdominal pain on ovulation
Does there a abdominal pain at ovulation time??
YES THERE IS. Is Painful Ovulation Normal? All women are familiar with cramping, headaches, bloating, and constipation or diarrhea that accompany periods every month. But some women also experience mid-cycle ovulation pain. This is absol…
Is lower abdominal pain common during ovulation or early pregnanc…?
Lower abdominal pain is common during both ovulation and early pregnancy . You can get crampy when you ovulate and crampy MORE?
Is lower abdominal pain and back pain starting two weeks before p…?
Most likely it is mittleschmerz (“middle pain”) due to ovulation. I didn’t get it until my 30’s; lots of things can factor in, such as if you’ve had any ovarian cysts, or minor surgery. To be safe you can ask for an ultrasound to …

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Morning nausea and severe abdominal pain?
Q: So on November 25th, I woke up at about 8:00am. I was fine till about 10:30am when I started feeling severe abdominal pain and nausea. I didn’t throw up. It lasted between 30-45 minutes where I couldn’t move because it hurt so bad. I laid in fetal position on my boyfriends lap and I almost cried from the pain. I had some frosting and some disgusting peanut brittle around 1am that morning. I also smelled her mothers terrible cooking that morning and I went up to get food, then when I sat down to eat I started feeling bad. On November 30th I woke up around 8:30am. I was fine, about half hour later I decided to eat a pop-tart. 15 or so minutes afterwards I got nausea and abdominal pain. It lasted about 15 minutes. It wasn’t as bad as before but I could only lay down. Then today, December 1st, I woke up feeling fine, but then I ate a pear cup, but couldn’t finish it because I felt nausea, then I felt nauseated for about 30 minutes. Again like all the others days I didn’t throw up.If you say this is morning sickness, let me just tell you. I have a regular period and I last had unprotected sex on November 14 (he pulled out and doesn’t seem to have pre-cum, but what do I know? And he urinated several times before sex, which cleans the urethra of leftover sperm. I took a health class, I know that urine kills sperm), which was on my period, it started on the 10th, and actually lasted about 7 days. Then on November 21st my boyfriend fingered me and I bled afterwards, for 3 days, first red but then brown. It wasn’t spotting but just there when I wiped and appeared on my underwear. It was like light bleeding. I usually bleed after sex and being fingered anyways so I’m not really worried about it. I heard from my friends that he was probably tearing some tissue because I’m kind of tight. Also on the 26th I started having cervical mucus come out, clearish/whitist, and I heard that is a sign of ovulation.But I really would like to know why I’m feeling so nauseated in the mornings. I also get a slight cramp on the left side of my body.I haven’t thrown up at all and I am usually used to eating in the morning.I’m on allergy medication, nasal spray, and acne medication.I don’t know if these may have a factor but whatever.Does anyone think they have an idea?By the way I forgot to add, when the pain is gone, I can eat whatever I want and have no problems at all. I just have severe nausea today and nausea and severe abdominal pain the other two, and afterwards I feel great. I don’t know why. Also like… with the abdominal pain, it isn’t just abdominal, it’s like everything.
A: You need to go and see your doctor. I had a similar problem over the Thanksgiving holiday only my abdominal pain was lasting all day. I went to the ER and was diagnosed with a very large ovarian cyst. Some other things you need to worry about are your appendix and a possible tubal pregnancy. You need to have an ultrasound done asap!!!!!
Q: I’m nearly 19 and on the contraceptive pill. I’ve been experiencing random period pain way before my period that comes and goes before. Also i’ve have ovulation pain which is strange. It seems to be getting worse. The last few months i’ve had ovulation pain, abdominal pain (higher mainly) but everywhere really, lower back pain, leg pain, rectum pain sometimes, pains round my uterus, bloating and slight constipation. This all comes at different times anything from a week for over 2 weeks before my period. And all these symptoms are off and on. I only get a weeks break from it after my period.I think the pill is helping the lower abdominal pain so thats why i’m not experiencing it as much. I do also get stabbing pains through my rectum on my period alot.Could it be Endo?Can Endo also cause higher/upper abdominal pain if it’s located there?I’m a bit worried 2bh.My back is killing me at the moment though, not due on for like 2 weeks yet.Thanks .x.
A: It sounds like you could very well have endo based on your symptoms. However, you cannot know for sure until you have a laparoscopy done. I was suffering the same symptoms as you are describing throughout my entire cycle, although my periods were so intense and painful that I could hardly get out of bed. I have had quite heavy bleeding and also the pain that feels like someone is stabbing me with a knife around my ovaries. I also experience pain with intercourse, pain with urination, pain with bowel movements, had lower back pain and fatigue.I had many tests done, which included ultrasounds, CT-scan, blood tests, swabs, papsmears, X-rays etc, for months (almost a year) and all of those tests came back “normal” and didn’t show anything. I was finally diagnosed with endometriosis last year October by having a laparoscopy done.If you do in fact have endo then your best medicine is research. You have to be well informed and be proactive in your treatment process. I have done a lot of research over the past few months and have talked to many women who were told they “may” have endo or that they do have endo. Until you have the laparoscopy done and your gyno says for sure that you do have endo, don’t get too concerned yet and don’t drive yourself crazy worrying about it. You could have another gynaecological problem all together. Something that is far more treatable like an ovarian cyst as ovarian cysts can sometimes be missed even with ultrasound, especially if a sonography technician is not experienced enough to know about ovarian cysts and sometimes ovarian cysts can’t be seen on ultrasound due to their location behind the ovary for example.There is no cure for endo and the only major medical treatments treat the symptoms itself not the disease. In other words pain management through drugs etc or surgery to burn/excise the endo implants.The first thing I would recommend you do is to consult with your doctor/gyn about your options to have the laparoscopy or to find a gynaecologist/specialist that knows a lot about and has a lot of experience with diagnosing and treating women with endometriosis. You may want to make a list of questions you have that you can discuss with him/her when you see them (have a look for some example questions at the following site: http://www.endometriosis.org/first-consu…Underneath is a link to some websites where you can find some great information:http://www.endometriosassn.orghttp://www.endocenter.orghttp://www.endometriosis.orghttp://www.gynsecondopinion.com/endometr…http://www.endometriosis.org.au/http://www.endo-resolved.com/symptoms.ht…http://adam.about.com/reports/000074_3.h…If you have any further questions you can email me direct, the link to my email is in my profile.Good luck. 🙂
Questions about series of positive ovulation tests…?
Q: My husband and I have been TTC for 7 months. On July 6th, I had the first day of my normal period, which lasted for about 5 days. All is normal. At about CD 10, however, I started spotting, and spotted through the rest of that cycle. Despite the spotting, I thought that we’d have a good chance in July… But no such luck. I got my period on August 6th… But my period was very, very short. As in, it only lasted a day. This is incredibly unusual for me as I am anemic… My periods are usually 5-7 day and are very heavy flows… This was only one day of medium flow. I took a HPT and got a negative, so just figured since I had spotted all month, that was why my period was so short.Then, last week, I bought some First Response ovulation tests, the 20 pack, and started to test. On the 14th and 15th, I got negatives. On the 16th, I got a positive… Which was a surprise since I thought I was on CD 10. I figured I’d miscalculated my cycle and was actually further along than I was. The 17th I did a ovulation test and got a negative, but the 18th and today, I did tests and got very clear positives.Now, having done my share of OPKs in the 7 months we’ve been trying, I’ve seen lots of positives and negatives… These positives were very certainly positives, where the test line was much darker than the control line. There’s no doubt on that… Is there something that can be affecting the accuracy of these tests? I’ve been feeling very ill lately (back pain, abdominal pain and nausea), so is it possible that whatever bug I have is affecting the accuracy of my tests? Or is my wacky cycle in July a sign my body is out of whack?
A: OPKs detect LH surge, which takes place 12-36 hours before your body is preparing itself to ovulate. So, it doesn’t mean that you necessarily ovulated the day & time you tested. OPKs can be used as a guide to detect your fertile time of the month, which has either started or about to start.In your case, it is quite possible that your body was preparing to ovulate on the 16th and due to any physical or psychological stress the body didn’t actually ovulate hence the LH surge couldn’t be detected on the 17th when you tested. And now, the body is preparing itself over again to ovulate i.e. on the 18th that is why it showed a positive, which means you are about to ovulate in the next 12-36 hours.So don’t be disheartened and keep the hopes high! Stress can diminish your chances to conceive greatly!Goodluck!
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