My 9yr.son has developed tics from ADHD medicine.How can I help him in school now he’s off the medicine.?

Q:My 9yr.son has developed tics from ADHD medicine.How can I help him in school now he’s off the medicine.?
More Answers to “My 9yr.son has developed tics from ADHD medicine.How can I help him in school now he’s off the medicine.?
most of the children placed on these drugs DO NOT need them, sadly it is easier to drug kids who are not challenged by their classes than to offer them more challenging tasks.more intellectually gifted children are most often shackled to these drugs to bring them down to the mental level of their peers. particularly boys as they are naturally rambunctious when bored. challenge your child’s mind at home, with reading, advanced home schooling after school, martial arts, poetry, theater, art, music, anything to USE that mind not dull it into insensible tractability!
There have been studies in Britain that show remarkable benefits for ADHD kids if parents do the following: Make sure he gets some exercise every day to help get rid of the excess energy that so many kids have. As much as possible, eliminate the junk food and processed food. Give him a good diet of lots of vegetables, fruits, and high quality protein. And since getting all the nutrients the brain needs for optimal functioning is so important, they also recommend a good multivitamin every day.
This website has some good info Source(s):
Go to your library or bookstore and get a copy of The Out of Sync Child. Skim it and see if that describes your child. Sensory problems can make kids pretty spazzy. Sensory problems are also far more treatable/curable than the ADHD label. There’s a ton of stuff you can do to improve things.We discovered all this when my son was diagnosed with sensory disorder and autism, after 10 years of being on ADHD drugs with his most recent family. Being the fairly intelligent kid he is, he learned real fast that his “need” for the drugs was directly related to whether or not people thought he’d already taken his daily dose, and what kind of environment he was in. Quieter classes with old-fashioned independent work tended to make his “ADHD” look a lot more controlled than chaotic ones with small groups of kids all doing tasks together. After he shared with us and his doctors, all that he knew about the ADHD drugs and making them more effective-looking, we were able to re-evaluate and make a real diagnosis that actually makes help available. And, four other children in our extended family were re-diagnosed with sensory disorder, after their parents reviewed the information we shared about our son.
Try something altogether alternative school where they adjust their ed plans around your child not adjusting your childs special needs around the teacher who wont change for your child.Traditional public and township schools want you to drug your kids. They tried to do this to my son in 1st grade and again in the 4th. Investigate the Waldorf schools. They are amazing. There are options.
Behavior therapy. If you can’t afford a psychologist then there are lots of books out there for behavior modification techniques. Try increasing his protein intake, cut back on carbs, & the carbs he is taking in are more of the good carbs. Increase foods like fish or seafood. Try a vitamin or daily supplement as some ADHD kids are lacking daily required minerals/ vitamins. Try a sugar-free sports drink to level out his blood sugar levels during the day, so he doesn’t have pits and spikes. Does he have a problem of finishing his work too quickly? Ask his teacher if he can keep a book or notebook in his desk for use when his other work is complete? Does his behavior change more when there are changes going on in his life? If his bedtime was different. ADD/ADHD kids tend to be very habitual, a routine is a terrific source of security for them. Standard positive and negative consequences for when meets or fails to meet an expectation. I hope that helps. I know it’s hard, my son is 9 & also just came off meds. Behavior therapy for 3 years is what’s saving us now, & lots of research on alternatives to meds. You can visit my website, for more info on alternativeshttp://kristicasey.ahealthcafe.comBut please always check with a professional before you begin any changes, so he can be monitored.
Watch his diet and activity level. He does NOT need to be medicated! We way over diagnose this disease these days. I was a 4th grade teacher for years and I know there are better solutions than stringing our kids out on speed. Make sure he gets lots of exercise. If he has a healthy outlet for his energy he will burn it there. He does not like making school hard for himself. Watch for refined sugars, high carbs, and artificial colors and flavors in his food. These are foods that will boost his energy. Sugar cereal and sweet desert in his lunch should be a firm never. Don’t keep your ideas from him either. Explain to him that if he wants to not take the pill that makes him twitch he has to help you make this new idea work. He will feel good about being included in this new idea especially if he understand it will make school easier. Kids just want to feel like they are a part of the decision. It is very empowering. I hoe this helps. I really commend you for taking him off those drugs. I firmly believe that the ritalin generation is the biggest contributor to the increase in speed abuse today. A huge percentage of meth addicts were ritalin kids. They are trained from a very young age to take speed to fix they way they feel, that behavior is hard to change. You may be saving your boys life. Well depending on what the medicine was, you could try discussing with his doctor wath other therapies may be available. If he does truly need the ADHD medicine, there are others he could try.Ritalin, Concerta, Adderrall, Starterra, etc
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