any succeses with treating PCOS without hormone drugs?

Q:I have had PCOS for a while but do not want to take hormone replacements eg the pill etc> any ideas would be greatly appreciated 🙂
More Answers to “any succeses with treating PCOS without hormone drugs?
Often times PCOS is caused by insulin resistance. When a person is insulin resistant, the pancreas is “told” to produce more insulin because the previously excreted insulin is not regulating blood sugar as it should. The hormone balance in the body becomes upset causing a number of other syndromes and diseases, one of which is PCOS.I suggest you consider all-natural Glucose Regulation Complex. It offers a diverse set of nutrients that provide natural support for efficient glucose metabilism. Alpha lipoic acid, for example, helps make your cells more responsive to insulin so they get the energy they need. Vanadium works with chromium, magnesium, and zinc to help balance your blood sugar, preventing energy ups and downs.Hope this is useful and feel free to contact me with questions or the website.
Some people take a med. called Metformin. Your gynecologist should be able to give you information about it. I had been on it for two years, and have just been off it for two months to see the difference it makes.
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