Could anyone show me some primary literature of alternative treatments being effective at curing cancer?

Q:I asked a question this morning about whether people should be allowed to tell people on this board to quit chemo and try alternative medications, or if it was a dangerous practice that should be banned. A couple responders claimed that these treatments do work, but when I challenged them to show me some scientific evidence, nobody did. Can anyone show me evidence these treatments are effective cures?
More Answers to “Could anyone show me some primary literature of alternative treatments being effective at curing cancer?
Chlorella as a powerful defense against cancer
Here are a few major references in the medical literature. You may also want to look at the original work done on high dose Vitamin C (given intravenously – it is not effective when given orally for reasons noted in the references below) for cancer treatment by Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling.1) Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2006 Mar 28;174(7):937-942, by Padayatty SJ, et al. “Intravenously administered vitamin C as cancer therapy: three cases.”2) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2005 Sep 20;102(38):13604-13609, by Chen Q, et al. “Pharmacologic ascorbic acid concentrations selectively kill cancer cells: Action as a pro-drug to deliver hydrogen peroxide to tissues.”3) Annals of Internal Medicine, 2004 Apr 6;140(7);533-538, by Padayatty SJ, et al. “Vitamin C Pharmacokinetics: Implications for Oral and Intravenous Use.”4) Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2000;19(4):423-425, editorial. “Reevaluation of Ascorbate in Cancer Treatment: Emerging Evidence, Open Minds and Serendipity.”Hope you find these helpful. Best wishes.
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