I wanna grow my height. I’ll be 18 this oct. Help me.?

Q:i’m 168 cms. i’ve always grown slowly and stopped growing round 14. Frm past 2 mnths i’ve started taking homeopathic medicine right height and have grown 2 cms. i wanna grow atleast 5-7 cm more. what r the other things that can help me grow. does yoko(accupressure device) works?? The composition of right height is Baryata Carbonica, silicea, Thuja Occidentalis, Calcarea Phosphorica all 200C in equal proportions. I take two tablets every 2-3 days. Yoga, Accupressure, Exercise Or some other medicines that can help me grow. People say i can grow till 21. Help me with useful advices. I also masturbate regularly since past 3 yrs, does tht affect my growth?? If yes i can stop it immediately.People who cant help me pls do not ans the ques just for the sake of 2 pts and also the people who say i cant grow pls excuse this ques coz i know that i can still grow.Thanking You all people in advance.
More Answers to “I wanna grow my height. I’ll be 18 this oct. Help me.?
Height is mostly connected with parental genes that control the growth hormones so don’t fight it. Instead make peace with your body and walk tall.Best alternative method for height gain is – Grow in stature. Make people look up to you, grow in personality. Create a tall order for yourself; engage in activities that help you grow in spirit, and strength of character. Make sure you never look down upon any one, and people will stay never look down upon you, stay humble and one day they will even bow to you in reverence. World doesn’t remember men of great height, but they do remembered men who reach great heights in their chosen arena of life. try cherifer caplet. have it once a day for at least until your 22
try playing basketball. my cousin who was 2 years youger than me and was also waaay shorter than me tried playing basketball. now she’s like 2 inches taller than me. 😛 also be sure that you sleep at least 8 hours a day. beacause growth hormones are active during sleping time. so just try it. goodluck 🙂
If there were an actual pill or something other than VERY, extremely pain full surgery, that would solve this. There would be very few short people. Oh yeah and NO MIDGETS! I would not be 4’11” and the world wouldn’t need lower shelves.I will not say you won’t or cant grow anymore, because of the obvious fact that you are 18, and scientifically you CAN! Stop stuffing your self with useless medications, “power serums”, and stupid ****. Take your “blinders” off
Okay, now that thing about masturbation is a bit silly, i’ m 16, masturbate regularly and i am 1.87 . And in any case it is in sby’s nature not to grow very tall. however, basketball can help u to get at least >10 cm taller. also excersising helps, from what i’ve heard.
The following Prescription of Homeopathic Remedies will help any youngster in gaining height: -1.BACILLINUM 2002.BARYTA CARB 200 Three drops each in a sip of water just once a week.Follow it up with these Tissue Salts: -1.CALC PHOS 6X2.NAT MUR 6X3.SILICEA 6XFour tablets each all together 3 times a day half hour before meals on an empty stomach. After finishing the whole bottles of these salts (30 Days).If you feel that they are not making a positive difference just raise the potency of these three salts and get them in 30 instead of 6X and keep taking them till they start showing positive results.
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