Should we worry about soya in our food?

Q:I am diabetic and suffer from high cholesterol. have been using a litre of of unsweetened soya milk a day,mainly I believed it would help reduce my bad cholesterol.I am taking medication to reduce my LDL whichhas reduced my levels considerably. However i have heard that there are bad health implications with the use of this so called “Health Food” Can someone please advice me regarding its properties?
More Answers to “Should we worry about soya in our food?
Well there are certain enzymes in Soya which can mimic Estrogen, which can sometimes not be so awesome if yer a dude. However, even if you are a man, a slight increase in an estrogen mimicker sure beats out dying as a result of LDL. Also Soya is great because it increases your HDL. Just stick with it, and use extra virgin olive oil in cooking and such. Hell there is nothing wrong with slightly sweetened soya milk either. I’m diabetic as well, (but type 1 so sugar intake isn’t as big a problem because I just boost insulin dosage) and drink sweetened soya milk all the time. Look for the kind with Omega 6 & Omega 3 supplements too, that stuff is great for Cholestrol problems. Why worry? Jeez…enjoy life!
Soy is not bad for your health. You need not worry about it. Naturopathic Doctor.
Only if it’s genetically engineered soy! Then you should worry. Unfortunately, most soy grown in the US is genetically engineered, unless it’s organic. Only buy organic soy products. Fruits, veggies, and whole grains can lower cholesterol levels I think. Also, high fructose corn syrup causes diabetes.I haven’t heard anything bad about soy foods. They are a great addition to a healthy diet. Just make sure it’s ORGANIC, and you’ll be fine!I am editing to say that I went to the link Freena Deed gave and I am absolutely shocked to read what Dr. Mercola said. I have GOT to do more research on this…I’ve always thought soy was a health food. Go to that link and search for soy and you’ll be shocked!
many ppl believe soy products are really bad for you… some alternative health experts are really against it, and esp if it’s non organic b/c soybeans seem to be very much genetically engineered. soy contains lots of plant estrogens so be careful.i would check out — type SOY in the search engine and listen to him rant against soy.there is also a book out called “the whole soy story” (i think the title is something like that) do a search on that book, i believe most of it is posted online on the author’s web page.
The only problem I’ve ever heard with soy-based foods is some people have difficulty digesting the protein.
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