Are there any natural ways to reduce breast size? Like, someoen told me to stop all fat in-take, even vitamin?

Q:E. Does anyone have any insight, knowledge or ideas about this or other natural ways. I am not talking about surgery, etc. I am looking for a non-intrusive way to reduce the size as they are so heavy and hurt.
More Answers to “Are there any natural ways to reduce breast size? Like, someoen told me to stop all fat in-take, even vitamin?
Lowering the fat intake would probably work yet your body needs some fat and some vitamin E to function correctly. Focus on being healthy and satisfied with your body.
Reducing calories like fat will reduce fat everywhere, not in specific areas. There isn’t any way to reduce breast tissue except surgery.Your best bet is to find a good support or exercise bra. Underwire styles will help your shoulders.
When at the point you realize that diet will not reduce your breast size on and search for before and after of women who have had breast reduction surgery. Perhaps you will want to ask the question here on yahoo to women, and see what they think of the results.
You can’t stop all fat intake. Your body needs fat to function, just as it needs protein and carbohydrates and nutrients.Loosing weight overall might provide you with some relief, but your breast size is almost solely determined by genetics. If they are really causing you pain, you might need to look into reduction surgery.
I could milk them for you.
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