What is a good free recipe detox for a THC drug test?

Q:What is a good free recipe detox for a THC drug test?
More Answers to “What is a good free recipe detox for a THC drug test?
Take five times the daily requirement for vitamin c.Drink 1 gallon vinegar, and pee.Drink 1 gallon cranberry juice, and pee.Drink 1 gallon pickle juice, and pee.Drink 1 bottle Milk of Magnesia, and poo.Drink 1 gallon coffee, and take urine test.Note that more advanced drug testing methods now examine your urine for extreme abundances for strange chemicals, such as vinegar, vitamin c, and milk of magnesia. The best solution is to not smoke weed.Advice given by ye_river_xiv is a suggestion only. ye_river_xiv cannot be held accountable for incorrect use of the proceedure suggested here, makes no claims as to the effectiveness of this method, and cannot be held responsible for kidney damage, liver failure, espohagal cancer, or any other ailments caused by attempting this proceedure without the supervision of a medically licensed Detox expert. stop using it takes one month for every joint to get out of your system
just say no. gals of water and 2 hours of SWEATY aerobics a day
well u really should stop..but vinegar and water works well..tastes like ****..but it cleans u out..just dont over do it vinegar woul be enough. but if you wanna be sure drink lots of water also! Source(s):experience
Depending on how much you were smoking, you are probably clean already after one week away from it. If you were smoking hard and for a long time, you have about a week left to go. It varies, as THC is the only drug that stores in your fat cells, if you are over weight and inactive it will take longer. Therefore exercise, and flushing your system will help. In addition, there is a product available in any head shop that will hide any drugs in your system when added to the test, only problem is it could come back as a ‘masked’, and it costs approximately $40. it will buy you time, if you need it, but they will test you again to confirm the results if it does come back as altered. Helpful diet tips include, cranberry juice and grapefruits.Good Luck stop smoking
Antidox Yeah, it’s called not smoking pot!
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