what does centrum do to the bodysystme.?

Q:what does centrum do to the bodysystme.?
More Answers to “what does centrum do to the bodysystme.?
Centrum is a semi-decent product for the uninitiated in supplement usage. However it is mostly synthetic and has fillers and binders in there that the body does not really absorb at all. You should consider investing in a food-based multi preferably from MEGA FOOD, GARDEN OF LIFE, OR NEW CHAPTER. These products are grown in some cases Certified Organic(New Chapter) or in Natural Whole Food Matrixes which have some but not all Organic Ingredients like Garden of Life or Mega Food. Now granted these multivitamins are not cheap they are expensive. People claim that it is expensive to be heallthy but quite the contrary it is expensive to be SICK. Healthcare costs should be proof of this. Centrum is a good start like training wheels on a bike. Like a bike though eventually we take off the training wheels and ultimately we upgrade.
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