why is cannabis illegal?

Q:ummm..I have researched and read all sorts of stuff on the illegalation of Cannibus and I honestly do not understand WHY it is illegal? is it b/c SOME people abused(which I find impossible) or is the government making money off it being illegal or what? can ANYONE explain this absurd law!?! I have even read that the lung damage of a person who smoked cannibus for 50 years straight everyday pot head, is only equivalent to a cigarette smoker of 10 ten years!! yet..cigarettes are legal… weird.
More Answers to “why is cannabis illegal?
You’re an aboslute idiot. What the hell is “illegalation” and “cannibus”. You say you’ve done “research” when you can’t even spell. Just shut up. Honestly, you’re embarrassing yourself.
us says ssao
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