Does anyone know a sure way to get rid of a nasty bruise right away?

Q:Does anyone know a sure way to get rid of a nasty bruise right away?
More Answers to “Does anyone know a sure way to get rid of a nasty bruise right away?
Gently rubbing it several times a day. That works to circulate the blood out of being clotted in that one area. To help dissipate the bruise is to apply a moist heating pad. Be careful do not allow it to get too hot. Make sure is made for moist heat. You might try soaking in warm water. This will help the blood in the bruise to reabsorb.
Plantain or comfrey, either one smashed andplaced on bruise will help to remove or prevent a bruise. If only the dried is available, moisten then apply. There are other herbs as well, but these are the most common and easily available. Source(s):I’m an herbalist If it’s a hickey, use a plastic comb and comb it in downward strokes towards your heart. This works 100% to speed the recovery.Also try finding some topical arnica cream (health food store) and put that on after you comb it. Yes. Check out my friends experiment.
Having been in the martial arts for 30+ years, I’ve had some experience in this area.yes, really! A Japanese company called Nikken makes special magnets for such a purpose. But be forewarned, these are not your typical refridgerator magnets (read that as “they are not cheap”). However, I found a site where you can get them wholesale, if you use the Promotional/Discount Code 679 at the end when you’re ready to check out. www.Nikken-Wholesale.comGood luck! coverup
Coverup is the only solution. a bruise is just a pool of blood beneath the skin. there’s no real way to speed up a bruises healing process. all you can do is cover it with makeup
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