Besides going to a doctor, how can i tell if i have bronchitus?

Q:i have a cough, chest pain when i breathe in kinda deep, and i cough up flem when i exercise. i also vomitted alot 2 days ago and i could not keep anything down almost all that day. i dont know if that has anything to do with it.
More Answers to “Besides going to a doctor, how can i tell if i have bronchitus?
Why are you asking us – please go to the doctor ASAP.
You can’t, and if you don’t start to get better soon you will have to go to the doctor for antibiotics
You should see a doctor. You have symptoms of this disease, but there are also other things with those symptoms like emphasema
Bronchitis symptoms doesn’t strike suddenly, an individual may continue to cough and produce large amounts of mucus for several weeks after a bought with a seasonal cold. Since people who get chronic bronchitis are often smokers, the symptoms of a cough and mucus secretion are usually dismissed as common side affects from smoking. Mucus itself isn’t abnormal weather a smoker or not. But When your bronchial tubes are inflamed, however, they often produce large amounts of discolored mucus that comes up when you cough. Mucus that isn’t white or clear usually means there’s a secondary infection.Unlike acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis is an ongoing, serious disease. Smoking is the major cause, but air pollution and dust or toxic gases in the environment or workplace also can contribute to the condition. Symptoms of bronchitis may include: Overall malaise and slight fever A general feeling of tiredness A sensation of tightness, burning, or dull pain in the chest under the breastbone that usually is worse when breathing deeply or coughing. A cough, which is dry at first (does not produce mucus). After a few days, the cough may bring up mucus from the lungs. The mucus may be clear, yellow, or green. Occasionally, small streaks of blood may be present. Wheezing or whistling noises when breathing, especially during physical exertion. Breathlessness If you have repeated bouts of bronchitis, tell your doctor. You may have chronic bronchitis, or you may live or work in an environment that continually irritates your airways. Your doctor may be able to pinpoint the cause of your problem and suggest further testing and lifestyle changes that can help.
If you breathe and hear bubbles popping in your throat u got bronchitis,really you should go see a doctor right now no fooling around with your health
Throat feels like it is breaking in half.
it sounds like you have the flu on top of a stomach virus. I think i would get some robitesun and call it a day.get well!
coughing GREEN Phlegm and sharp pain in chest when you cough, sometimes a honking cough
If you have bronchitis you need to be placed on antibiotics, so a doctors visit will be inevitable. It is the season for an increase in bronchitis, so I would highly encourage you to go to your doctor.
I have had bronchitis and the cough and discomfort was uncomfortable. It sounds like you may have it, go to see the doctor before it gets worse.
bronchitus is like asthma.What Is Bronchitis?Bronchitis is a respiratory disease in which the mucous membrane in the lungs’ bronchial passages becomes inflamed. As the irritated membrane swells and grows thicker, it narrows or shuts off the tiny airways in the lungs, resulting in coughing spells accompanied by thick phlegm and breathlessness. The disease comes in two forms: acute (lasting less than 6 weeks) and chronic (reoccurring frequently for more than two years). In addition, people with asthma also experience an inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes called asthmatic bronchitis.
all the symptoms of bronchitis and or the flu. The only difference I think is a dry unproductive cough that comes out of nowhere, it is the flu. If you are coughing up flem, it is bronchitis and you can tell which stage it is in by the color of the flem that you spit up. If it green or yellowish, it’s still active. If it is brown it is on it’s final stages. I quit smoking April 25 th 2006. Before that I had chronic bronchitis all the time.
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