My nose really hurts?

Q:The inside of my nose the left nostril,feels very strange and it hurts alot. It doesnt feel like anything is stuck there but i think it might be infected. I dont do coke so its not form drugs. What should i do or buy to make this go away?
More Answers to “My nose really hurts?
cut it off your nose is evil Am no MD but this is what i do. Mix coconut oil with few drops of lavander oil and apply on painful part of nostril before retiring at night. You will see the big difference the next morning.Melly Its probably just dry skin and well normally dry skin itches so if you are itching it then yes it will hurt. Put neosporin on it!
I would use a nasal spray, a simple one that only has salt and water. The other medicated sprays could cause it to get worse. I would also recommend going to a ENT doctor. You may have a serious infection. Stop picking it then!!
its probably just a little sore and it will heal in a day or to. If it feel raw just put a tiny bit of vaseline on it then the stuff in your nose won’t irratate it more. Keep your fingers out of it.
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