Do you have a remedy for any kind of common problem?

Q:Many remedies and cures are not commonly known or accepted, yet we know they work. Here are some I know personally that work, and I hope you’ll add yours no matter how unorthodox they may seem.A simple cure for fleas (dogs love it): Sprinkle garlic powder on your dogs food and mix it in. He may turn up his nose the first couple of times, but then quickly love it. It gets into the dog’s blood stream and when fleas bite and they taste it they won’t stay on him. Please stop using those toxic collars and pills and use this natural method.A clove of fresh garlic stuck into the soil of indoor plants will repel all insects.Do your children have warts?Give them natural vitamin E capsules and they will disappear in a few weeks.Freeze your children’s stuffed toys once a month to kill all the dust mites they collect. Very helpful if your child has allergies or asthma.Ants in the kitchen?Wash counters with white vinegar & water weekly.Please share yours with us.
More Answers to “Do you have a remedy for any kind of common problem?
Ants getting into your home through window sills or doors? Sprinkle a line of cinnamon in front of the crack, outside. Refresh as needed. The cinnamon “burns” so the ants won’t cross it.Fleas? To kill fleas on pets safely, get diatomaceous earth. It’s crushed up fossils from tiny marine creatures. The powder is safe to rub on animals, but to insects, it cuts their waxy shell and causes them to dehydrate and die.
You need to be careful about advocating garlic for dogs. I know our vet strongly advises against it. While onions are more of a danger than garlic, they both contain the toxic ingredient thiosulphate. Garlic is LESS toxic and large amounts need to be eaten to cause illness, but why take the risk.especially with small dogs?Pets affected by onion and garlic toxicity will develop haemolytic anaemia, where the pet’s red blood cells burst while circulating in its body.At first, pets with this poisoning show gastroenteritis with vomiting and diarrhoea. They will show no interest in food and will be dull and weak. The red pigment from the burst blood cells appears in an affected animal’s urine and it becomes breathless. The breathlessness occurs because the red blood cells that carry oxygen through the body are reduced in number.The poisoning occurs a few days after the pet has eaten the onion or garlic. Poisoning can occur with a single ingestion of large quantities or with repeated meals containing small amounts. The condition improves once the dog is prevented from eating any further onions or garlic. I have a remedy for a burn. I have used this on many relatives and friends who have had a bad sunburn and they all said it was the best thing ever. Get egg whites and whip them like you were making pie topping. Put this on your burn. Let it dry or “cook” on your skin. You will feel it tighten. Rinse it off with cool water. Do not use soap. The egg somehow pulls the heat out and it does not hurt anymore.
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