Who in Canada sells and has information about Neem products and should you avoid if you’d like more kids?

Q:I’ve been researching this amazing tree from India which seems too good to be true. One drawback (or advantage) is that it may act as a natural form of birth control in both males and females.
More Answers to “Who in Canada sells and has information about Neem products and should you avoid if you’d like more kids?
Neem’s wide variety of reported benefits include use in the treatment of fever, gastrointestinal disease, dermatologic (skin) disorders, immune dysfunction, respiratory disease, parasites, inflammatory conditions, and infections by some bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Some components have been shown to have antimalarial properties. The seeds contain an insecticidal substance that is EPA approved for use on nonfood crops. Some viral diseases have been treated by components of neem. It may inhibit the multiplication of viruses and prevent them from entering and infecting cells. Some of the diseases that have reportedly been relieved include colds, flu, and conditions caused by herpes, such as chickenpox and shingles. Neem appears to be an appropriate treatment for numerous dermatologic indications. Its anti-inflammatory and pain relieving activity make it potentially useful against psoriasis, eczema, acne, dermatitis, and an assortment of fungal conditions. The neem leaf has been shown to have activity that suppresses the fungi that cause athlete’s foot, ringworm, and Candida. Seed oil and aqueous leaf extracts have been used to treat jock itch, another fungal infection. The oil and leaf extract may be applied externally in the form of lotions and soaps. Leaf preparations may also be used internally for the detoxification properties. Poultices made from the leaf have antiseptic and astringent properties that treat wounds and boils. Both internal and external parasites may be sensitive to the effects of neem. External parasites, such as lice and mites, are often treated in India with aqueous extracts of neem leaves. A medical research center in Nagercoil, India, found that a combination of neem and turmeric cured 97% of patients with scabies within 3–15 days of treatment. Teas are used against internal parasites, including intestinal worms. Perhaps one of the most interesting claims for neem is for the prevention and treatment of malaria. Leaf extracts are said to have the same effectiveness as quinine and chloroquine, the conventional medications that are used. Some studies show that even chloroquine-resistant strains of malaria are sensitive to neem, particularly a component called Irodin A. The recommended preventative measure is to chew and consume the leaves on a daily basis. Twigs and leaves of the neem tree may be used for oral hygiene, and neem bark extracts used in toothpastes and mouthwashes are active against gingivitis. Ayurveda holds that neem has healthful properties for teeth and gum tissue. Ayurvedic tradition holds that neem bark improves resistance to disease. It appears that certain carbohydrates contained in the bark do indeed stimulate the production of antibodies. One source recommends a cyclical use of neem to strengthen the immune system in order to lower the incidence of infections, particularly in people who have conditions that compromise the immune system. The long history of the use of neem in India appears to show that there is a low incidence of side effects when used appropriately. Infants have suffered severe sequelae, and even death as a result of internal use of neem. Avoid using neem products on children.I don’t know about Canada’s sellers but you may try Ebay or shopzilla Check out my Neem Oil Bloghttp://curezone.com/blogs/f.asp?f=380&t=77530
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