Furious Facebook Users Annoyed Over Constant Tweaks

OK. It’s about time to quit all the foolishness at Facebook.com. Google has clearly come up with a superior social networking framework, and Facebook programmers–no doubt under the direction of Mr. Z, the college boy who allegedly stole the Facebook idea in the first place–are hard at work trying to implement the many changes that would make Facebook look more like Google Plus.

There’s nothing like competition to keep companies on their toes. Google is the number one website in the United States, Facebook is number two, according to Alexa.com. Google believes in an open web where you own your data. Facebook has made its privacy policies user friendly only in the face of pressure from Google Plus. Google has over 180 different web properties offering a diverse palate of services for free. For example, Google Voice provides a free phone number you can use to screen your calls and forward to other numbers you already own. Google Docs delivers free word processing, spreadsheets and presentations. Gmail brings free email that filters out almost 100 percent of incoming spam. Google is the company with the corporate mandate to “do no evil.” Facebook claims 750 million users but uses a meta tag in every user’s page to cripple or limit searches from Google and other search engines–presumably as part of its overall effort to claim ownership of the web and all its users’ content.

One Facebook user posted this Dr. Suess style rhyme about the seemingly endless “updates” to Facebook:

Do you like your new profile?
It doesn’t matter if you don’t.
We just don’t care if you won’t.
Send your feedback here and there
We won’t read it anywhere.
We fix things that are not broke
Cause we think it’s quite a joke.

Another Facebook user, Emily in Nashville, said this, which probably does a better and far more eloquent job of explaining users’ concerns and perceptions than any long-winded article: “Whattttttttttttt in theeeeeeeeeee heck is going on with FB? sucko. new format, new stuff. ick.”

C’mon boys and girls in Palo Alto. Quit messing with your users. They’re getting PO’d.

And for the users on FB, just contact me. I’ve got 150 invitations to send out for those who want to try a REAL social networking site: Google Plus.

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