God is in Control

As I was reading the other day In Ecclesiastes, it told of how we are in “God’s hands.” I was reminded of many times when I knew that I was in God’s hands, otherwise I would have been dead.

As a Minister one speaks in a different sense when he speaks of your life. He is speaking of the specific providence the Lord exercises on behalf of the Godly. In Romans it says that he works all things together for our good. In our world, we will experience love and hate from others. Whether we are treated with goodness or evil, we still know that God is working for our good.

I have had many bad things happen in my lifetime. Through those I have acquired many testimonies of miracles that God has done for me. I want to share one of those with everyone because we are not to hide these things, as it says, under a bushel, but tell it to increase the faith of others. I want others to know that God can do all things and still does. So many people today do not take the word for what it says.

I was badly abused as a child in every way. Most people grow up with many problems. Still, I was able to marry my childhood sweetheart. He was understanding and good. The marriage lasted 10 years, at which time I divorced him because he had become violent in the last year. I found out he was doing pills and alcohol. He began stalking me and my 3 children. This went on for almost 14 years.

I already had many mental problems, which made it almost impossible for me to continue to work, and run from my ex- husband. He caught me sometimes and beat me. People would actually close their doors and not even call the police. But, still I was strong because I had God in my life. When ” I” had him put in jail, he was out within 2 hours. Back then that was pretty useless.

I knew this would not end until one of us was dead. I had been trying to get up the nerve to kill my ex-husband. If you think you cannot ever be pushed that far, think again. I did not have to make that decision. He made it for me. He hung himself; but even out of my life, I was tormented.

I had a favorite Christian singer I listened to all those years. When I needed to get away from everything, I would play her songs and sing with them. I forgot everything around me. Her name was Dottie Rambo. She only passed away a couple of years ago. I am guessing because I cannot remember, but I think she was over 80. On her way to a Church to sing, there was a storm and the bus left the road. She was the only one who died. But I know she was ready.

I was blessed in that I was able to see her not long before she died. A friend and I went to hear her sing at a Church in Morristown, Tennessee. The second night we went, after she testified about her life and sang many songs, she ask for all those who needed prayer to come up to the front of the Church. I sat there thinking about how many emotional problems I had been trying to deal with all my life. I immediately got up and went to the front of the Church with the others.

Now; if you look at this situation you can see how God is always in control of our lives. Here is a woman that has written over 2,000 songs, and these songs have kept me going for over half of my life. God knew that she was very special to me. He so lovingly put her in a place that I was able to get to and be blessed by hearing her sing in person. But, more than that, God used her to pray for me. While others were telling her what they needed, when she came to me, I did not have to tell her. God had shown her what I needed.

When she laid hands on me and prayed, for the first time in my life, the Holy Spirit was so strong on this little lady, that I fell out in the Spirit. When I awoke and managed to get up with help, I knew that I was set free. Free from a lifetime of depression, from an anxiety disorder, from passive/aggressiveness, and multiple personality disorder. The abuse that had been in my life from the time I was an infant until I was in my early 40’s, had kept me from living. I did only what I had to do. The other times I sat in my home or in the back corner of my Church. If not for the help of God, I could not have kept my job. As it turned out, my job was an escape for me. I could lose myself in it while caring for my patients. I had peace while I was there.

Can you see what God did for me? Not just the healing. He could have used anyone or no one. He could have healed me anytime. But to show his people that he loves them, he healed me in a special way. A way that he knew would mean so much to me. My goodness; being healed is miracle enough. But God wanted to bless me by using someone that I loved, someone that had been in my life for many years, yet we did not know each other. This is when I knew what it meant when people talk about God’s timing. I use to wonder why he would not heal me. I knew I had faith. Surely that was all I needed. But he had more to give. It was in his time. That is why we must be patient.

I am thankful I was able to see Dottie Rambo quite a few times and get to know her a little some while she was still here. I have often said Dottie was my own special Angel, who God sent to me for just a little while. I pray that this testimony will help someone. If you are someone who is losing hope or wanting to give up, please, just wait on God. He has a plan for all of us. It may be hard but never let go of God because he will not let go of you. If you have given him your life, you belong to him.

source: Patricia Burke

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