How Do I Send a Photo Through Email to a Cell Phone?

There are ways to send a photo from your email to a cell phone and in this guide, I will show you how to send photo from your email to a cell phone. This is a free way for you to send photos and texts. However, it may cost the person you are sending it to unless they have free texting and picture messages. So, follow the steps in this guide to send photos to a cell phone using your email.

Step 1 – Resize Photo

Your first step is to resize the photo you are sending if it is larger than 640 x 800. If your photo is smaller than this, you can skip this step. If it is not, you will need to open it in a photo editing program and resize it to be smaller than 640×800. Then save it and move onto the next step.

Step 2 – Opening Your Email

Your next step is to open your email. So go to your email account and open it. If you are using a web based email, you will need to sign into the email. If you are using Outlook or something like that, go ahead and open it. Once you have your email opened, you will need to compose a new message and then move on to the next step.

Step 3 – Typing the Address

Now you will need to enter the address or phone number of the person you are sending this photo message to. It would be the person’s phone number @ their wireless carrier. I have the most popular wireless carriers addresses at the end of this article, so you can look down there if you need help.

Step 4 – Inserting the Photo

Your next step is to insert the photo. This is where it may get a bit tricky. If you are using web based email, you will probably not have the “Insert” option. Instead, you will have to attach the photo. So choose the attachment option and locate the photo you want to attach and click the button on the box to attach it after you have selected the photo.

If you are using Outlook or something like it, you can use the Insert option. Go to the top of your email and click Insert > Picture. Then select the photo you want to send and click the button to insert it.

After you have inserted or attached the photo, click the Send button on your email and the text will be sent. You can then proceed to send more if you want. If you want to send it to more than one person, type in the numbers and @ information but separate each one with a comma. Then you can send one text to multiple people.

Here are the Most Popular Wireless Carrier Addresses

Verizon: for MMS: [email protected] AT&T: for MMS [email protected] T-Mobile: [email protected] Virgin Mobile: [email protected] Sprint: [email protected] Nextel: [email protected]

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