How to Use Foursquare for Business

If you’re curious about foursquare , but you’re feeling a little overwhelmed about how to incorporate yet another social media website to your daily activities, there’s no need to worry. Foursquare is a great tool to use to market your business.

Here are a few quick tips to get you started on foursquare.

What is foursquare?

foursquare allows a user to check in at places they frequent. Whether you are attending a networking event, launching a new product or service, trying a new restaurant or checking out a new flick at the movie theater you can check in on foursquare and let your friends know where you are.

The great thing about foursquare is if you’re friends are not on foursquare but on let’s say Twitter, you can link foursquare with your Twitter updates to let friends know where you are and stay connected.

How Do I Earn A foursquare Badge?

You can download the foursquare app on your From your Blackberry, IPhone or Android mobile phone and click the green button to “check in” when you reach a venue to let your friends know you’ve arrived.

Foursquare also has a search feature to find venues by name. You can earn badges based the number of times you check into a venue.

What Will foursquare Do For My Business?

If you’re a business owner , foursquare is great for running contests and promotions. It’s a great way to reward customers and have a little a fun at the same time.

The way it works is the customer that checks into your venue the most within a 60 day period wins what is called the foursquare “Mayorship”.

Only users who have an uploaded profile picture are eligible for foursquare Mayorship. The foursquare Mayor picture will be posted on your foursquare venue page and on the mobile clients.

This is a great way to reward loyal customers and promote your business. Customers will remember you’re business and will be encouraged to engage using foursquare via their mobile phones.


City of Chicago Partners with Foursquare – Gets Windy City Badge , Wetalktoday

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