Marla Madison Author of She’s Not There

About your book: She’s Not There

“She’s Not There,” is a novel of suspense, named after the song form the seventies by the Zombies.

The book is set in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and begins when Lisa Rayburn, a psychologist dealing with abused women, becomes aware that abused women are going missing at an alarming rate.

Since no bodies have shown up, the police refuse to open a case and deal with the women as missing persons.

Lisa, along with a PI and two husbands of the missing women, set out to uncover enough evidence of foul play to force the police to investigate. Can they do this before a vicious killer turns on them?

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What do you think readers will find most notable about this book?

Marla Madison
Along with the plot twists, and there are many, a secondary theme is the relationships that build among the primary characters. The conflicts among them adds to the enjoyment of the mystery.
The suspense mounts as the book progresses, drawing the reader into the story.

So far, feedback has revealed that no one guessed who the killer turned out to be before he/she/they were revealed.

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Have you acquired any good anecdotes surrounding this book? If so, could you share one?

Marla Madison
Probably the best, and most embarrassing, occurred after I uploaded my book to Amazon. After I did a brief edit and re-uploaded it, people were getting the wrong thing when they ordered my book. I pitched a big fit with AZ only to find out after the fact that it was my error.
I tell this to warn others to be very careful when opening your manuscript after it’s initial acceptance. It is very easy to do this unfortunately and not so easy to check on since anytime you go in to edit your book, AZ puts you back on “publish” status for twenty-four hours.

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Did researching and writing this book teach you anything or influence your thinking in any way?

Marla Madison
It taught me that it is very difficult to find a police department or an officer of the law willing to help a novelist. It’s not like you see on “Castle.”
I’ve done my own research as much as possible but found it necessary to add a disclaimer to my book, informing readers that it is a book of fiction and all of the police procedure is not necessarily accurate.
I’m working on novel two, which involves a female detective, and have this issue again. I’m thinking book number three should be written in the POV of someone not an officer of the law. It would be much easier!

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What would you most like readers to tell others about this book?

Marla Madison
That’s an easy question. I’d love it if they told others it was a great read!

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Can you suggest one question readers might find interesting to discuss, concerning you, your writing in general, or this book?

Marla Madison
My book doesn’t open with a dead body facing the reader. This is contrary to what most editors and publishers say is necessary for a book of mystery or suspense. I think that beginnings would be a great topic for discussion. The topic mentioned, prologues, etc.

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How can readers help you promote this book?

Marla Madison
By spreading the word to other readers of the genre and remembering to leave a review on AZ.

I don’t think readers realize how important the reviews are to an author. And we don’t expect them all to be five stars.

About You: Marla Madison

I’ve been employed as a factory worker, a hairdresser, a medical technologist, a mediator, and currently do arbitrations for the State of Iowa and the Federal Mediation Service.

I live in Northwestern Wisconsin on Prairie Lake with my significant other, Terry, a beloved shelter-dog, Skygge, and Poncho, an opinionated feline from the same shelter.

Some of my favorite things are playing duplicate and tournament bridge, golf, reading, pontooning. and taking long walks with my dog.

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Why do you write?

Marla Madison
Probably because it’s something I’ve always wanted to do. I’m an avid reader of suspense books and want to write books without some of the errors I believe many authors make. I’m tired of cookie cutter endings and chase scenes. Also killers that come back from the dead about five times after being put down by the cops or whoever is after him.

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What is your greatest strength as a writer?

Marla Madison
Being able to put the reader into the setting where they can get to know my characters.

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What quality do you most value in yourself?

Marla Madison
I don’t always like this quality. But I value most the fact that I always have
a goal. I have to have something to strive for.

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In addition to writing, what else are you passionate about?

Marla Madison
I love doing arbitration work. When I have an award to write for an arbitration I’ve heard, it is a challenge to write a logical presentation of my decision so that the parties can understand why I ruled a certain way.

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What are you most proud of accomplishing so far in your life?

Marla Madison
My education. I was a high school drop out who went on to complete a college degree and a Master’s program.

And of course, my two sons.

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Is there any new or established author whom you feel deserves more attention, and what is it that strikes you about his or her work?

Marla Madison
Brian Freeman has become my favorite suspense author. He is masterful at developing plot twists. His last book, The Bone House, had two great ending climaxes, both of them exciting and unexpected. It is an art and he’s accomplished it.

Intrigued by this interview? Find more on Marla at her website or pick up her book at the following:
Author’s Website

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