One More Day

If I had just one more day to share with you,
I’d give up anything to be by your side.
If I had just one more hour to hold your hand,
One more minute to tell you how much you mean to me.
One more second to see the sparkle in your eye,

If I had just one more day to be with you, I’d let go of my fears and anguish.
Just one more hour to grab another story from you.
One more minute to hear your laughter.
One more second to see you smile.

If I had just one more day to be with you, how grateful I’d truly feel.
Just one more hour to gain a bit of wisdom from you.
One more minute to let you know I care.
One more second to share an everlasting embrace.

The days are fleeting fast before me like a blink of an eye.
As time waits for no one to say their last goodbyes.
He leads them to that other side where we cannot see
We cannot reach, we cannot be until He’s called us there.

For now, I will remain thankful for that last moment,
That last laughter, that last bit of happy life we use to share,
Knowing we will get that one more day, one more hour,
in the place where time stands still forever more.

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