The Myers-Briggs “Giver” Personality Type: ENFJ

The ENFJ personality is one of the 16 types of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). According to Keirsey, ENFJs are one of the four types that are considered “idealists”. ENFJs take up about 2-5% of the population. They are often referred to as “teachers”, “mentors”, and “givers”.

ENFJs are very people-oriented and strive to always put others first. This is driven by their dominant extraverted feeling (Fe) function. This motives them to serve others and to bring out the best in people. They focus strongly on understanding, encouraging, and supporting others.

Because ENFJs use introverted intuition (Ni) as their auxillary function, they have a wide variety of interests and enjoy learning new things. They are also able to read others and understand their motives very quickly. ENFJs get strong vibes if a person is upset or feels uncomfortable.

Unlike many other extraverted types, the ENFJ may tend to be more reserved about exposing their true selves. Although they do have strong personal beliefs and viewpoints, they can hide them from people if they see it as an interference at bringing out the best in a person. For this reason, they can present themselves as a chameleon-like character rather than an individual. ENFJs must remember to separate their interests from others because they can be easily swayed in what they want and how to behave.

ENFJs are happiest working in careers where they are able to be in charge to bring out the best in others. Areas that they may be attracted to include education, psychology, counseling, social work, child care, politics, management, coordinating, clergy, and more. People tend to look to ENFJs as leaders and they are often elected to take on such roles.

To the ENFJ, relationships are about reaching a higher purpose. A certain level of depth must be attained or else they will see no point in the relationship. Meaningful communication is a major feature of their lives.

ENFJs are extremely empathetic and relate to people very quickly. Honesty is also extremely important. ENFJs believe that even if the truth is bad, it can add to the depth of the relationship.

Though ENFJs are intelligent, they do not favor hard facts and logic. They may have trouble looking at situations objectively where people are not being taken into consideration first. They can be offended if someone challenges them to not put others first.

An ENFJ’s favorite thing is to watch a person have an “A ha!” experience. They greatly admire others who have conquered challenges and learned from them.

Famous ENFJs include: Pope John Paul II, Oprah, Ralph Nadar, Jane Fonda, Mikhail Gorbachev

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